Official All Ireland Minor and U20 Hurling & Football Thread (Part 2)

What was done to the Kerry minors last year in Leinster was a disgrace

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Astounding hypocrisy from a man who a few hours ago described bringing up kids in Dublin as child abuse. You can dish it out…


Will you apologise for what you said against the young Laois minor hurling team? You appeared to suggest they’re all the products of incest.

Not true. But i think you should apologise for calling the parents of Dublin child abusers.

That seems to be what you were saying anyway. Which part isn’t true? That only some of them are the products of incest? Is it the forwards? The subs? The ones who didn’t tog today?

You’re some aul wan. Reams of posts sneering at Dublin and as soon as you get a bit back about your own shithole county you are looking for apologies for imaginary slights. I think your windy hero Leo throwing in the towel has you rattled.


So you’re sticking with the slur on those young lads.

Nice. That’s the finest.

The litter around O’Moore Park will be picked up with anger in the morning if these last few posts are anything to go by.

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The Down boys did great cleaning today

In fairness Leo turning out to be a coward and kildare minor hurlers walking all over leix has him rattled. He’s not himself.

This thread has taken a bizarre turn. Very odd stuff considering twas only yesterday the poor sickly Princess of Wales and her “inbred family” were on the receiving end.You literally couldn’t make it up.


The boyos are circling, the call went out

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So you think none of these, along with preferential treatment from the gaa and government make a difference? Hell of a take

Dublins dominance of hurling ?

This has been established beyond dispute by Ewan and myself. Before the funding Dublin were a total joke in hurling, not competitive. After the funding a leinster title, numerous all Ireland underage finals etc. They are the perfect example of how the funding improves. There was always footballers in Dublin, the funding made them dominant. There wasnt too much hurling, input money and suddenly they are in underage all Ireland finals.

Me myself and I?

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Kerry are guests in Leinster so cannot really say too much bad about the Leinster Council

In fairness it is rectified in 2024 and the Leinster Council have Kerry in the appropriate grading, good win over Carlow be interesting to see how we get on against Kildare and Laois

A nephew of Shane Conway by the name of Ivan Conway caught the eye against Carlow

This is where Gaelic football is now. What a wank

Kildare look to have a decent team at minor this year. Hammered Meath tonight. Let in a goal after about 90 seconds but bossed it from then on. Meath were very poor though. Fine set up in Stamullen, was baltic there. Still defrosting.

The 20’s won last night too, some tiny iota of positivity considering how the senior’s season is imploding.

Another absolute scutching at minor tonight as Dublin beat Laois by 14 points and in truth it was much more. A bad week at minor level but you reap what you sow, you’d feel for the players. . 20s footballers beat Carlow last night but you’d feel they’ll run into a Meath Kildare or god help us Dublin, and that’ll be that. There’s about 4 players though that’ll play Senior for a number of years so that’s as much as you can hope for from any underage side.