Official Arsenal FC Thread - 2015/16

Arsenals results in February/March over the last 7/8 years canā€™t be put down to anything else to be fair.[quote=ā€œNembo_Kid, post:239, topic:20765, full:trueā€]
The Specialist in Failure strikes again.

The Specialist in Failure is seething!!

Terribly abject performance, no leaders anywhere on the field.

Per continually kicking possession away, Coquelin terrible in possession, Ramsey hiding throughout, Sanchez completely out of form.

Of the lads trying there is still a real lack of quality with Bellerin doing so well to get forward but unable to pick a killer pass. Monreal again is busting his bollix & getting no protection on the flanks. Giroud is being starved of ball, if the middle is packed with opposition sitting deep we have to go long & use Giroud better.

To take off Campbell tonight was unforgivable though, his touch was good, he has scored a really good goal & as usual he was working back.

Bottom line, either beat Spurs this weelend or the DREAM is officially over. :worried:

Iā€™m seething, pal.

Iā€™d be seething if a manager had gone over 10 years without a league title and banked close enough to Ā£100m in that time.

We canā€™t change history or go back in time so that old chestnut is meaningless.

Bar Campbell, every other Arsenal players was well below par tonight. A collective non appearance. Even Cech for the second goal was fucking awful.

Twelve years now. Thatā€™s Dario Gradi territory.

Why donā€™t you just sack the root cause, the guy who presided over this mess. Arsenal fans are like the Irish electorate, blind faith in an idiot who is robbing them blind.

Do you really think itā€™s been that much of a mess? In an era where Chelsea, Man Utd & Man City have had bottomless pockets we have consistently been in the Top 4, built a state of the art Stadium and play a decent brand of football.
It is terribly naive management from Wenger this year i agree when the title race was there to be won with proper investment.

But to call Wengerā€™s reign a complete failure is spectacularly stupid or good wumming.

How many managers have earned what Wenger has in the last 12 years without winning a league title or a major European trophy? Heā€™s not called The Specialist in Failure for nothing.

It certainly wouldnā€™t be tolerated at Spurs. Granted we havenā€™t won much in the last 50 years, but at least we move on our failures every 2-3 years and give another sucker a chance.

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Out for Saturdayā€¦

Pulled up after last corner. Was doubtful last week with a groin problem.

Injured his hamstring going upfield for a late Arsenal corner. :laughing:

Arsene Wenger. :smile:

Wenger has been a breath of fresh air to English football, I love watching his teams play - great technically, always pass the ball well and always play a continental style more less.

Butā€¦this capitulation every February/March which coincides with their elimination from the CL unfortunately for them with the ties to Barca has to have Gunners fans wondering WTF.

Being honest Iā€™d like to see him win one more league before he retires, as he deserves that bit of redemption for the impact his made on the EPL for the last 2 decades, would be doubtful thatā€™ll happen now though.

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Arsenal are shit to watch - only 19 home league goals this season.

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Who are better to watch mate on a consistent basis over the last 5 seasons?

Arsenal have been a boring EPL team for the past 5 years, theyā€™ve been no more entertaining to watch than any other EPL side in that time.

Iā€™m entitled to my opinion as you are mate, you didnā€™t answer my question though.

Who are more entertaining to watch from a pure footballing point of view?