Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

Far better for kids to start school later in almost all circumstances. The uk system is clearer though in fairness but takes the parental choice out of it.

Starting at 5.5 is all well and good, however the problems will ultimately arise once they are doing a LC when they are almost 20.


Lads hungover in school or what?

You can repeat the Leaving but you cant repeat U20

Exactly, add 4-6 years of college into it and lads are 23-26 before they go out and earn their first cheque.

Didn’t do me any harm. Actually now that i think about it…


Price of houses out your way your brood will be with you till well into their 30s anyway.
Blessed art thou a monk swimmin!

They’ll be working till they’re 70 anyway so its all the one

If you start school at 5 or 5.5 you will be 19 doing the Leaving which is normal enough.

Is Transition Year compulsory these days? I started school just after turning 4 and was 16 doing the Leaving Cert

It is in most places.

All studies show the later you start school the better.

They don’t start school in Finland till they are six and it is said they have the best educational outcomes in the World


Its more or less expected to do so.

All about maxing out your years playing Harty Cup.

There’s something deeply unsatisfactory about someone being in College when they’d still be underage for Schools GAA.

Felt sorry for the poor lads only 17 Freshers week of college.

Jack Screeny

I removed some amount of DOB’s off student cards back in my day for lads

Lee Keegan. Didn’t do Cafferky much use.

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What’s wrong with being 19 doing the leaving sure?

Especially the high ball into the square .

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There is a recent tendency that January/February and March babies are starting school at 5.5-5.75 which is very old imo.

Anyone born in April/May/June is an awkward age school wise, you’re either very young or one of the oldest in your class.