Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

The old school underage cut off point of June 1st was probably the optimum structure.

It’s now gone to u19 even to cater for the older babies.
The extra year at play school seems to be a big reason parents don’t start them until 5.75.

Turning 19 is okay, but being closer to 20 is not. Hard to keep these adults focused with regimented school. Weaker students especially will suffer. Also can see issues with part time jobs, busier social lifes and alcohol/drug use.


I’m banking on a coalition of @The_Selfish_Giant @Juhniallio and the @minister for housing to sort it out for me.


Very rare to be closer to 20 though would it? You’d need to have started school at 5 with a birthday the previous year. Almost everyone will be 19 doing the leaving in years to come

Randomly enough I had a LC class this morning and the topic of their age came up. 6 of the 21 were already 19. Think that percentage will only go up.

Another factor impacting kids starting school later in a shortage of primary school places in many urban areas with age becoming the primary factor getting a place.


Majority of January/Feb/March babies now starting at 5.75 as I stated before which is ridiculous.
Plenty of helicopter parents afraid their Johnny or Mary will not be ready.

Heard an amazing story from a colleague recently that they are holding their April born daughter back (currently in 5th class) as she is not ready linguistically. I nearly spat out my coffee to hear such BS.

That’s fairly comically judgemental shite out of you in fairness

In Sweden and Finland , they don’t start until they are 7. They’re in nursery and pre school up until them. They still leave school at 18. Primary education is from 7-12 over there.

Maybe preschool is akin to junior/senior infants?




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That’s what it is having been over there in schools but they don’t have to go to a preschool. So you’ve some children arriving into school at 7 having been at home until then.

Well fucking duh Shane

a very broad statement by shane

is he considering U14s here? of course a coach will do his best to give all girls game time but equal game time is nonsense and not all girls will get game time if its a tight game such as a final.

My kid goes to a drama class, kids get the main parts based on ability and noone gets upset about it.


There are very few coaches I’ve come across who put a big emphasis on winning. There are lots of kids I come across who put a big emphasis on winning, and that’s especially the case for the more talented ones who play a variety of sports. They tend to stick with the sports that they win at as they get older too.

Read the fucking replies, sycophantic shower of soft cocks.

And now you can’t repeat minor

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They’ll never know what they’re missing

Nasty nasty stuff of a Saturday

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He’s just full of gems this fucking stook

My neighbours son was a heavy enough young lad, too heavy and instead of his parents trying to clean up the diet within the house and reducing the amount of shit they eat, they used to spend the time breaking the coaches balls saying he never gets enough game time. Last year, the coach came straight out and said to the parents that he wasn’t mobile enough and had needed to be able to move to compete at U14. The dose of reality was exactly what was needed and both parents and kids in the house have been on a health buzz for the past 6 months. The young lad is in far better shape for the year ahead.