Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

Hes done them a massive service there, not just for sport, but for life


We have a large dance school , fame esque operating in the town. They have a policy “if you dont rehearse, your not in the show”
There’s a cohort who will train once in a month due to this and show up at the next blitz ready for action and “equal time” and expect* the kids and coaches who showed up at every training session and worked hard not to have an issue.

*Parents expectation


Around U13/15 time you have to explain to parents the following

See Johnny over there - Johnny lives for the game, he adores it, thinks about it, talks about it and is never without a hurl. Now your fella goes home and you put the hurl in the closet and he nor you think about it til next week. And that’s perfectly fine too, each to their own. But, tell me, does your fella deserve absolute equal time as Johnny? I’ll give him game time and it’ll be a decent amount and he’ll get plenty of it but you need to realise the way life works as does your kid. And you’ll both be the better when you do.

See you next week, buy a lotto ticket on the way out


What a day. What a city.


Corrected that for you pal.

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I hope an odd parent at least tells you to 'go fuck yourself you patronising cunt! when you give them this little speech?


They realise they’re lucky to have me



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Philip is a good guy.
He’s right too, I’d say a lot of coaches would never take the time to coach little tricks or moves. They’d see it as “you either have it or you don’t type thing”.

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That’s just evading a tackle. Ffs sake.

But do you coach it?

They’ll learn quickly enough when they get busted once. These fellas think they’re reinventing the wheel.

Anyone have experience of using this system in their club?

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Pretty sure that’s what we use

Any good? Rang a secretary of a club there it is a hefty enough sub for the year

Ya we use it, its easy use from a user side anyway

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Lads, anyone hire a team bus over the last couple of years. We’d be carrying 30 plus so would need the full size. Just want to get some handle on costs before engaging with any providers.

I heard between 600 - 900 mentioned at a meeting recently


Are we to guess the actual number?

Would you believe the price varies on distance and length of time the bus is required for?