Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

That’s a clamping.

And lets not get started on distance.

Ah, @TreatyStones beats be me by an hour.

Clamping adds extra cost also.


Oooft. The townie got it there

Lifting and striking at u8 hurling lads. What’s the general consensus?
Should you be spending a lot of time on it at that age or concentrating on the mechanics of the ground strike?
The go games rules say they are allowed try it in the final quarter which invariably becomes a mess.

Ya by u8s you’d really want your older lads moving onto lifting and striking, but it will be very hard to do a one size fits all approach as invariably you’ll have lads that are flying it and lads that still need a lot of help with the basics.

I’ve found the best approach is to stream them into groups by ability so that as they move between your stations you can bring the level up or down as required. i.e the better lads can do some opposed rising or the weaker lads you can make it unopposed.


To be honest if they can’t lift and stroke off both sides by 8 you’re better off ending your association with them because they’re stonewall useless.


Being one-sided hasn’t stopped the 3 lads from Patrickswell

That’s probably the only way around it alright but seems awful young to be telling a 7 year old they cant be in the same group as their friend as they’re shite :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:. Would you stream groups at every training?

Generally it would take the following format:

Warm up everyone together
Another game everyone together
Break into groups across 3 stations, then rotate between them.
Then a match at the finish (this might be 1 match or 2 matches depending on numbers).
We don’t stream them every night, it depends on the session.

It is such a Patrickswell thing that they all strike off the “wrong” side as outfield players.

I dont think they do coaching out there at all, just rely on DNA.


Most coaching ethos at younger age groups seems to be shifting toward early versions of S&C i.e. proper movement, running mechanics and body weight exercises.
Sport specific should come later , its kinda the other way round right now but that wont help if you want to bate the lard out of the neighbouring U8s and the 3 cousins from the in Laws side!

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A confidante rang me today who I hurled with once upon a time. Anyway, at 37 years old he wants to go back playing a bit at the social “Junior C” level. His club don’t field a Junior C team at the moment and therefore are not an option, so he is hoping to play for a neighbouring club. He hasn’t played any hurling since 2020.

Does he need to go through a transfer process and would he have to wait until 2025 or could he play for the neigbouring club this year by just rocking up and paying membership?

Not after playing for 2 years it is in Wx?

I think after sitting out a certain period (96 weeks I think) you can transfer clubs within a county without objection but transfers intra county can only happen at the start of the season. So would assume he is boned til 2025

I think @StoneCold is correct. Alot easier to transfer inter county. You can play league in Dublin and then transfer back down the county for the championship.



A queue of fellow bluffers lining up to congratulate him then


Oh I don’t even have to look, I reckon I could name at least 3 of them

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Ciaran Deely: Congrats Shane, Great To Hear, Good Luck With It All

Kevin Mulcahy: Brilliant Shane, well done

Automatically sound like people I would not want to be associated with.

All we need is that qualified professional Golfer turned goalkeeper coach for some Gaelic Football teams and we have the trifecta.