Official TFK Irish General Election 2024

I would foresee a major, major crash occurring over the lifetime of the next Irish government, one which will start because of events in America and lead to global contagion.

You all know it’s coming too.

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I’d say the other parties sense blood with the watery Harris. He’s had a terrible start to the campaign and they won’t let up on him for the next few weeks.


Not a fact but the risk is def a fact and I don’t think that’s in any manifesto,

I don’t think the likes of pharmaceutical or medtech are going anywhere soon. Software sales could move a lot quicker. Prob the biggest risk is a change to tariffs or taxes that immediately hits our corporation tax golden goose

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The election is a mere 8 days away…



People don’t vote on policy, they vote on “let’s elect this absolute gobdaw who takes advantage of us just for the craic”.

Votáil Gombeen, sensible politicians trying to make a positive difference OUT OUT OUT !

Let’s turn politics into reality TV!


Decent results for FG without Ring on the ballot, looks like 2FG, 1 SF, 1FF and a dogfight for the last seat between FF, Aontu and Independents

Aontu will definitely do well id say in first preference share anyway. There are a lot of conservative voters with nowhere to go bar dopes and scumbags like Gavin pepper and Derek blighe.

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Grand soft soap summary of Micheál Martin’s day on the hustings in Carlow/Kilkenny today on the news there.

Is anyone doing those regional/constituency polls other than Nuacht? I’ve seen them for Galway, Donegal & Mayo but not much else, if anything. Tonight’s Mayo one much better than the others for FFG but Donegal has that mica controversy hanging over it. Mayo has very much been FFG territory for years - I’ve vague recollection (possibly wrong) of Enda Kenny bringing in 4 out of 5 seats there at one stage. Think it often fell 3-2 to FFG split one way or another until Rose Conway-Walsh took a seat for SF last time.

As a constituency, it shows how much damage the rooral independents have been doing to FF and FG. It’s a factor there (that O’Brien fella is ex FG but was expelled for his text messaging) but not like some others.

Not a single Labour or Soc Dem there.

Has Ivan Yates called South Tipp yet? John O’Heney could get a seat there

You taking the piss? It’s like asking tim sherwood who’ll get the Norway job or something.


I thought this tweet in response to Meehawl Lehane was amusing:


I’m interested in his opinion

Rte are cunts too.

I’m not Peader Tobìn fan but on Nine o clock news tonight they presented his piece in relation to taking public servants who continually waste taxpayers money to task to a backdrop of him in black & white with Hellish red behind that.

They have no business dramatising the news, just report it you wankers.

They’d no problem showing Captain Underpants off Go Karting….

I’ve gone through all the constituencies and my back of a fag packet calculation is as follows:

FF 53
FG 40
SF 31
IND 29

FF are back, what could possibly go wrong?