Official TFK UFC Thread

I said the same thing earlier buddy. Lads asking in the pub who’d win the fight. I said most likely the kinehans. They seem way smarter and better prepared.
Dublin thugs.


How much was that worth to Conor McGregor ???

Khabib would smash McGregor

What was last nights acting like? Did it all look real?

I’ve no idea mate. Didn’t know it was on

Anyone else?

You are a cunt but you could be on to something . I see the knockout on news., I can’t see the attraction but more power to McGregor he is coining.

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Doesn’t matter. .mcgregor has come in like a hurricane, made ridiculous cash and gone again…while all the other idiots, busy dissecting all his faults,will have to beat each other senseless week in week out to get near that type of cash and by that stage all they’ll need is a straw!!..fair play to mcgregor doing what he said he was going to do…while other sports are off celebrating winning a fuckin exhibition game for fuck sake…


Thats if you evaluate success completely with money.

In that game what else matters ???

Quality post. Agree with the sentiments in their entirety. When Odell Beckham (an althetic freak of nature) is in awe of you, you’re doing something right.

It actually would not work without other motivations. so no is the answer

We are talking UFC here .

Fella they don’t just turn up and join the UFC

In awe? He just fucking hates him.

Everything has been tipped in favour of McGregor by White. He’ll get to avoid Khabib as well because he might lose to him.

Read his tweet you dumb mothafucka

Khabib is a fella you’d want to avoid.

He bate Johnson who is a self proclaimed “thug from the hood” and a good fighter all over the octagon last night.

Khabib genuinely oozes violence.

He’ll surely have to go down and defend at the lower weight first if he wants to hold onto it.

I cant see him doing that.

Easier to explain a loss at a higher weight division.