On this day

Johnstone like Jackson was killed by friendly fire, he was the most senior General on both sides(the South had the galacticos of officers) they were winning that battle before he was hit in the leg, turns out it was an artery that got clipped and it was only when someone noticed the blood spilling out from his boot did he realise he was done.

Apropos of nothing.

Gettysburg was about 50,000 dead over the three days.

The battle of Borodino in the Napoleonic wars had similar in a day.

In the battle of the Marne in WW1 it’s thought half a million died in one battle over the course of a week. So not far off two Gettysburgs a day.

Talk about ignorance :rollseyes:

Borodino had over a quarter of a million belligerent’s involved with 70 thousand casualties, Gettysburg had 160 thousand. Basic maths.

You realise there was Machine guns, Heavy artillery, Gas, tanks, aircraft and greater numbers(2 million engaged at Marne!) in WW1?

30 years ago, Glasgow Rangers signed Maurice Johnston from Nantes.

Why were Rangers signing players for Nantes?

Busybody cunts always.


Nice lad Adrian Fenlon. I remember meeting him in the Portobello the night before the Clare v Galway semi final in '95. I was living in Dublin at the time and the Porto was my local, played a bit of junior football with Portobello as well. Anyway, Adrian walked in with the missus, I got talking to them at the bar and they invited me to join them for a drink. This was the still a time when people would talk to each other in the pub instead of staring at their phones. I hadn’t a clue who he was until he told me. We had a grand aul chat about the Hurling and I remember saying to him before we parted that he might be there with Wexford some day, I didn’t think he’d only have a year to wait, I don’t think he did either to be honest.


Poor auld Adrian, trying to set up a threesome, and all you wanted to do was talk hurling.


30 years ago today, 6 August 1989, John Denton presided over the Tipperary v Galway All Ireland Hurling semi final.

Happy Denton day @carryharry @mick_jones @the_man_himself @Fat_Pox @Declan_Moffat @caulifloweredneanderthal :pint:


You too, bro.


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Is it just a Tipperary thing or do they commemorate Denton Day in Galway as well?

It’s a National day of remembrance, mate. An Irish thing you wouldn’t understand.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year



This photo was taken 50 years ago today.


Fucking french throwing in the towel early again

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