On this day

Take a look at my last 2 words.

Ah gloating is gloating. Coughlan acted the cunt there. That poor russian chap probably wound up in the salt mines.

‘Fuck you sergei’

I have. Stayed the night there in a nice hotel and got a guided tour from this lad who was a fount of knowledge.


Knowing that I was Irish he took the tour to areas of specifically Irish interest such as the memorial at Messines. I suspect that if you gave him details in advance of your great grandfather he would likely find the grave for you.

Ypres itself is a lovely town rebuilt brick by brick after the war. There is a smashing modern museum there as well and the last post is played every night by a bugler at the Menin Gate.


This was the hotel. On the delightfully named Slachthuisstraat. Slaughterhouse Street.


Great name he had - Dmitriy Dmitriyev

Poor cunt ended up fourth (something that happened Coghlan twice in the Olympics, of course).

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5 years ago today Tom Condon swept up a Joe canning free that dropped short…




40 years


101 years ago today, Michael Collins made the fatal error of stopping to take on a few locals when his more battle hardened companions recommended driving on out of Bealnablath.
We’ll never know etc…

You’d wonder what he’d have gone on to achieve given he was so young when he died.

I think its safe to say he’d have been a legend.

I’d wager he likely achieved more in death than he would have gone on to achieve had he lived. He’d likely have become hated had he lived. Death is the best career move, as they say.

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John F Kennedy
Wins re-election in 1964, meets The Beatles, comes to Ireland three more times in his presidency, does all the things Johnson did except a little slower. Becomes unpopular towards the end of his presidency because of Vietnam, gets dragged into a Clinton-like vortex of scandal over his womanising, possibly has to resign in 1967, becomes a Jack Charlton type figure in Ireland.

Martin Luther King
Gets shot dead by a white supremacist in 1970.

Jimi Hendrix
Makes one more outstanding album, then drifts away into making bad, self-indulgent music which is savaged by the critics. Re-emerges in the early 1990s with a folk album. Plays Glastonbury in 1999 and 2014. Plays Nowlan Park to an all seated audience in 2018.

John Lennon
Divorces Yoko Ono in 1984. Makes two critically panned albums in 1982 and 1986. Doesn’t get involved in Live Aid. Gravitates back towards Britain and becomes a fierce critic of the Thatcher government. Makes loose comments in support of the Hillsborough victims without getting overly involved. Plays a concert to a million people in Berlin in 1990. Supports the IRA and is marginalised in England. Becomes a friend of Sinead O’Connor. Makes a return to live performance in the Britpop summer of 1995. Opposes the Falklands War, Gulf War, the NATO bombing of Serbia, and the Iraq War. By 2012 he has become a friend of Vladimir Putin. Supports Brexit. Supports Russia’s war against Ukraine without admitting it and is anti-vaccine and anti-Covid restrictions.

Ayrton Senna
Finishes third in the 1994 and 1995 World Drivers’ Championships. Moves to Benetton in 1996 replacing Michael Schumacher and finishes sixth and retires. Buys an F1 team and runs it for four years before becoming bored. Runs for president of Brazil in 2014 and beats Dilma in the election. Becomes increasingly populist and authoritarian and moves close to Trump in his political stances, though not as much as Bolsonaro did.

Princess Diana
Breaks up with Dodi Fayed in 1998. Has an affair with Lawrence Dallaglio in 1998/99. Moves to America in the early 2000s. Becomes increasingly reclusive. Hosts a short lived chat show on US TV in 2008/09. Marries Ian Botham in 2011 before this ends in divorce in 2014. Moves to Australia and starts a relationship with former Wallabies captain Nick Farr-Jones which ends after three years. Moves to Switzerland in 2020. Rumoured to be a long distance love interest of Mohammed Bin Salman.

Cormac McAnallen
Wins the 2004 All-Ireland at full back before moving out to midfield again, whereafter Tyrone endure three fallow years in 2005, 2006 and 2007 as Kerry win three in a row. Returns to full back in 2008 and Tyrone win the All-Ireland again. Moves to corner back in 2010, gets skinned alive by Diarmuid Connolly in the 2011 All-Ireland final before retiring after defeat to Mayo in 2013. Becomes Tyrone minor manager and then under-21 manager and wins the All-Ireland as joint senior manager with Brian Dooher in 2021. Considering a move into GAA politics when his tenure is up and hopes to be the next Uachtarán Cumann Luthchleas Gael from Ulster after Jarlath Burns. Also considering a move into actual politics.


Two noted Cork massacres happened on this day 99 years apart - the killing of Michael Collins and the massacre in the 2021 All-Ireland Hurling Final.


Tupac definitely done well out of being shot.

One decent song and he needed Elton John to remix it for it to be popular.

What the actual fuck?

50 years ago today.

So he would have been a Scouse Roger Waters?