On this day

Most of the oul lads here probably think you wrote it with chalk :neutral_face:


I didn’t realise you were a teacher.

One for the things you learned today thread…

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You’re working overtime there.


Contrast that with say 20 odd years after the 2nd world war ended. How many of the class woukd have heard about it? I suspect a lot more

In fairness Mike, Saipan was a row between two soccer oddballs. World War 2 was a fight for the future of civilisation.


The funny thing was after I wrote up “Saipan” the first comment from one young lad was “wasn’t that a famous island in WW2”.


He’s not wrong, the Japs & the Yanks had a right auld ding-dong there. Only young chaps would know it primarily for the soccer football reasons.

50th anniversary of the Pinochet led military coup that toppled Salvador Allende in Chile.

Definitely. I think kids today have a far narrower range of knowledge mostly because of the way they consume media. They just watch exactly what they want on their own screens. We grew up in one telly houses watching the news, documentaries etc because that was all that was on. Even the likes of soaps gave us a look at adult relationships and stories about social issues etc.

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Kids these days haven’t a clue about regional accents, whereas we’d know them from the telly we watched as youngsters.

They probably learned that from call of duty

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Bernie Saunders was getting dogs abuse on twitter for this from the usual suspects;


He had of course posted something about remembering 9/11 also.

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Somebody should tell the “Yanukovych was the victim of a coup” freaks that what happened in Chile in 1973 is what an actual coup looks like.

But I’d say most of them were actually happy enough with that one.

I see Biden is lying about being at the twin towers the day after.

More lies.

He can’t remember where he was last week

He’s corrupt and a pathological liar