On this day

Hoggy kept going bai. He did not disappear

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October 17th 2023 - Anthony Edward Stark, Industrialist, genius inventor, philanthropist and playboy CEO of Stark Enterprises dies.

He was aged 53 and leaves behind a wife and daughter.

He saved the world, a lot.

October 23rd 2011

Manchester City Soccer GIF


How is it iconic?

Because everyone remembers it


50 years ago yesterday


Up like a bird
And high oer the city

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SF the cunts abstained

I presume the city council can’t expel the Israeli ambassador anyway?

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Obviously not
But that motion passed would have been seen worldwide
And put pressure on our cunts up in the dept for foreign affairs to make a more robust statement over the genocide going on.

A symbolic gesture about making a symbolic gesture. Meh.

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Sure foreign affairs wouldnt work to warm themselves. It’s well known. Themselves and justice and housing had the shutters up very quickly over Ukraine and fucked Roderick under the bus. Very happy to do a few soundbites for the papers or online though.


Sure it’s all symbolic ref us in Ireland
:ireland: all we can do is put pressure on our government :roll_eyes:
It’s important to let the world know we stand ( v majority) against :israel: Israeli governments aim of ethnically cleansing Gaza

True bud
But us as civilians have a moral obligation to voice our opinions to the cunts
Ie - that we be heard

Better than no gesture atall
They need to know there’s ppl supporting them in each country

Here’s a symbolic gesture from South Derry :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::ireland: