On this day

Tommy Smith would’ve been my guess but I wouldn’t argue the point.

From a viewing of YouTube, you are correct. Tommy was wearing 17. I felt like he’d ran Skinny around before that but now I’m doubting myself.

Think it was 2 or 3 years before that Tommy knocked Bernard Flynn on his hole after Flynns goal in the Leinster final and got himself sent off.

You’re possibly right in that Tommy might have been switched on to Jayo after he’d given Skinny the runaround. George Doyle was another possible victim. Time is a bastard.

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We used to be a proper country.


“Best atmosphere ever” and they bitched and moaned for the week about the game being on in Limerick instead of Croker


Much like the split season zealots here, nostalgia is a fickle lady.

It was a great game to be at for a neutral.

30 years ago, the IRA ceasefire.

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Lady Di died.

I recall that it was a saturday. Had a young child and up early in the morning

I was out drinking in Warsaw. Got in around 2am and there was something on sky news about a car crash.

I was in Brasov Romania
And our interpreter/ fixer decided to wake us up
He obviously got the wrong Derry ppl
( Mixed group of us working in a children’s home)
Needless to say he got a feed of abuse
We weren’t remotely interested in it

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I’d say you were glued to the Telly watching the funeral.


Were well fuck
And to add insult to injury OTW home her funeral was on tv on the ferry Stran to Larne
All sombre bar us
Carried on as normal
Celtic shirts one n all,playing cards ,drinking tae, telling stories
Our group consisted of to a man all republicans
Some lifers amongst us so we didn’t give one fuck about her or any of the royalty
That mantra persists to this day


Don’t remind me. My missus, of ordinarily impeccable republican credentials, stayed up all night watching the fucking thing, and no, she’s not from cork.

We’d some row. Unbelievably* turned out I was in the wrong



We’re were in Montauk at the end of the J1. It would have been around tea time when the news broke. The Irish DJ played Sunday Bloody Sunday that evening and it didn’t go down well, he had to apologise. He said something like “for the day that’s in it” :grimacing:

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Yikes, to be fair to the chap, there wasn’t much of a template.

As in, everyone expects you to be sad, but there’s a fierce urge to laugh out load (lolz!).

Forged some ground, let’s charitably say

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30 years

Amateur hour.