Onion chomping, garlic smelling, cheating frog cunts thread

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Iā€™m not aligning myself with a protestant

The French race are a detestable bunch of cunts. They make good food though.

Why did they talk to the Mentally Retarded Irish football fans club after the match? Idiots.

signing in


Signing in,dirty cheating snail eating cunts.

Hate French people. Every single one I have met is a cunt.

Can I sign into hating Swedes here? *

  • apart from their women of course.

cheating bastardsā€¦ the crowd around town sunday shud of all been shotā€¦ smug bastardsā€¦ supposidely some paper had it yday that france had bought tickets to south africa alreadyā€¦ sooo angry

Thierry Henry - what a legend. :clap:



Not as big an idiot as the hypocrites complaining about Henry cheating whilst happily celebrating notorious divers like Robbie Keane and Damien Duff, surely? :popcorn:

I thought you didnā€™t like ā€˜scumballā€™ or those who play it?

Bollocks. Good point.

funny that the english give out about the hand of god, we got stuck with the hand of frog

Christ, give tipptops your log in there will ya


Not as big an idiot as the hypocrites complaining about Henry cheating whilst happily celebrating notorious divers like Robbie Keane and Damien Duff, surely? :popcorn:[/quote]Ban this fucking STD infected cunt.:mad::guns::guns::guns:

sorry to be pedantic but the term nowadays is no STIā€™sā€¦

that you mac ?


Signing on by the way, gutted, fucking gutted.

The French will to win and never say die attitude was superbe in fairness.