Opinion: Cillian O Connor

They’re just figures, there’s nothing there to examine them.

The majority of O’Connor’s frees are tap over points that you’d be expecting any half decent free taker to be getting.

Look at the graph I’ve posted, his arc is fairly obvious and you’d be expecting a very high return in that area from any half decent free taker.

Okay mate, if you don’t want to engage with the clear objective comparison of relative difficulty that’s fine.

There was a lad playing for Kildare against Meath in 1997 (another one of those recently televised classic matches) that I forgot existed. Padraig Craven or Graven, a windy corner forward with gelled hair, that was on the side to kick frees.

these two posts from the dontfoul stats log are missing the last 4 years of championship football.

If I had put in Seanie O Shea as the example instead of Rock, then I doubt there would be the argument. But I put in Rock for the simple reason that I think he is an average enough player but is reliable when needed under pressure on frees.

I’m just pointing out a the chart above about what O’Connor’s range is. Compare it with Sean O’Shea for example.

I think Rock is a superior free taker and is better from general play too though I think both players only start due to their free taking abilities.

I’d have Rock over O’Connor anyway.

Brian Stafford and Colin Corkery were great free takers off the ground.

Eamon Scallan. And even then, he was still shite at them.

When is this from? Colm McFadden and Bryan Sheehan? Seems like it’s a while ago so you’re comparing a very early set of Rock statistics. And hes on 85% already.

@Blake putting on a masterclass here. :clap:

I believe it’s televised games up to 2016. I think the logical conclusion is that he’s on 85% but had easier frees given his points above experted return is half of O’Connor’s

Clearing house.

Brian Stafford

You were arguing that Rock has an inflated reputation he doesn’t deserve and were at pains to point out it was only freetaking you were talking about. The dontfoulguy clearly rates Rock very very highly (out on his own before SoS), especially as time has gone on.
Rock is an excellent freetaker, that’s what his reputation is. Earned by him. And he has also shown that he can stand over a tough free in the dying seconds of an all Ireland, with a lad throwing shit at him and still point it.

The point being though is that the arc range for kickers is not the same. O Connors is much shorter than Rocks, therefore the frees he scores outside of this arc may actually be inside the range for Rock. As noted in one of the links above “But O’Connor is generally fine and still remains one of the most consistent free takers once within his range.”

His range is much shorter than most others, notably free takers who strike off the ground.

Yes, I agree the Dontfoul stats show rock to be a good converter over a sustained period. My point about Rock was on the melt down days he can have where his frees are off, which isn’t going to be apparent in bulk data.

Billy Byrne

Where is the relative comparison of the arcs?

In last years championship, Rock had 27 out of 30 on his frees. 2 of those misses were in the final, one of them, as I posted on here before, he was never going to be able to hit because of the positioning of his starting run up (which, as I may have said at the time, he probably shouldnt have attempted it as a result of starting off the grass). But by and large, he has improved over the years and is generally consistent and a better free taker than O Connor.

Jimmy Holohan

Kieran Delahunty