Opinion: Cillian O Connor

I did try see if if yer man had it like the Seanie O shea one above, but seems he just puts on the points marker and talks about the arc and size of it. From his postings over the years, it is clear that O Connor has a smaller arc from the way he discusses it. I think that would also be fairly obvious too though, he isnt noted for his long range free taking, so his expected points would have to be taken for the capabilities of his range.

121 postsā€¦Cillian Oā€™Connor is box office

Sorry @Gman didnā€™t mean to directly reply to you

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fuck you @padjo

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Lance Armstrong

Fair enough.



That table shows that Rock has scored 3.7/33 above expectation: 11.2%
Oā€™Connor has scored 7.4/112 above expectation: 6.6%

Scoring 11.2% more of your frees than expected is far better than scoring 6.6% more of your frees than expected.

I think the bloggerā€™s statistical conclusion from the table is misguided. He has Oā€™Connor top of the list because of the volume of shots he has taken and his above average success rate gives a greater total points above expectation. His argument about including volumes is that it has misses too so the greater the number of shots, the more you might regress to getting average points. In a comparison between free takers being above expectation, I think thatā€™s very misleading. The top players are above the mean and so multiplying by volume is just rewarding volume. Heā€™s borrowing that logic from soccer but in soccer there is an argument that having a high XG recognises your ability to get into good situations. And so a high XG is a positive stat. You canā€™t include that for someone taking frees in gaelic football. A high XP is a positive stat for the team, because they have won a free in a scoreable situation. Itā€™s not a positive stat for the guy taking the free. Itā€™s just a target.

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Wayne Mccarthy.

Again though the only on the team for the frees men are totally looked down on even though they can literally be the winning and losing of the game.


Some interesting stats on o Connor in this


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this is O Connor against Beggan. Interesting poll either way

It is.

Iā€™d be interested to see how McManus compares with Oā€™Connor inside the scoring range.

Oā€™Connor is a decent free taker, he has played pretty much the last decade for one of the top 4 teams in the country but he just isnā€™t a top class forward and is a hateful cunt to boot. His scoring stats are skewed by the amount of handy frees he scores and the style of football Mayo play greatly benefits him.

Latest free kick analysis from dontfoul

The stats donā€™t really reflect too well on Cillian Oā€™Connor there which goes back to the point that any half decent forward who is steady enough of frees would have his stats severely bumped up as Mayoā€™s free taker.

Pretty much confirms my eye test on his free taking. He was once a very reliable free taker but has become increasingly erratic in recent years.

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Iv long held the view that Michael Murphy is wildly overrated, not surprised to see him at the bottom of that list with Oā€™Connor. He is still a fine footballer but talk of him being one of the best over the past 20 years makes no sense to me, below average from frees and usually very little from play.

Any lads that follow football able to tell me if lads that kick from the ground are more accurate in this list?

Iā€™ve never understood why a fella would choose to kick a free out of his hands

Rock and Oā€™Shea definitely kick from the ground for hard ones

We already have an expert panel of freetakers to settle this notion

Good to see the updated analysis. As noted, the last 4 years of scores hadnā€™t been included and Rock completely obliterates O Connor. Particularly from outside range, which O Connor struggles with.

Again, from my original point, Iā€™d take Rock every time over O Connor for a free kick. The stats more than prove it too.

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I still maintain he is rewarding volume by ranking by cumulative expected points. So the guy who is a little better than average but takes more frees is ranked higher than the guy who is much better than average but gets fewer chances.

But there isnā€™t a simple way of doing it. If you rely too much on expected points then Began goes way out in front because heā€™s the best at scoring points that the others find challenging. But is that who the best free taker is?

So maybe there isnā€™t a single better metric, I just donā€™t agree with the method he uses and his explanation about regression to the mean.

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