Opinion: Tj Reid

To be fair they’re in the ascendancy at present. Most of them would be a few years younger than her though*. Tipp and Kilkenny were top dogs while she was on the market.

*Nothing wrong with dating a cougar.

Her aul fella is a big dog in Mary I. Pure Kerry head on him.

What does she actually do?

At the moment she’s breeding.

She seems to be blagging the odd MUA from what I can make of that thread.

Hard to believe but online discussion regarding her lineage is verging on overtaking discussion around the Moran Kelly family tree at this stage.

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Gets her hair and nails done I’d say and claps on TJ when he scores 10 frees a game.

What would you know about it?

Ah you’d know a Kerry head like a spud out of the ground

When did you graduate Mary I? You teaching in Limerick?

Nay and nay

Tj Reid is Canice Pilkington.

Dafuq did I just click on?

A more menstrual and hormonal version of TFK where libel laws don’t exist


Jesus, vicious enough stuff in there :sweat_smile:

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A great bit of cut to proceedings. Senior hurling.


What’s an MUA?

Make-up artist.

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The giddles on Tattle seem to feel fierce sorry for Teejeh. Like he’s a sort of a Tim nice but dim character who’s being strung along.

Some very entertaining discussion, it must be said.

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