Opinion: Tj Reid

Sheā€™s a cracker tbf, she has an awful fool made out of Teege, she has him doing some awful gimpy stuff, but look a manā€™s got to do, etc.

Senior hurling compared to here :scream:

Those people on Tattle sound a bit like the ugly/average girls in school who hate the other group of girls (most of whom are sound out) simply because they are better looking/better craic than they are.

Really sad behaviour.

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How would you describe the average TFKā€™er? :grinning:

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I couldnā€™t be bothered reading that thread but do any of them speculate why she left Limerick,?

TFK just talk hurling, nothing like that drivel and if it is then itā€™s generally warranted on the COTY thread.

Christ, have a look without makeup and filters

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The likes seem to be very easily awarded on the tattle.

Theyā€™re oblivious to their own stupidity. They follow your wans every move on social media then bitch about it ā€¦ Is that about the height of it?


Anyone with any modicum of success gets ridiculed on TFK as well. Tubridy for example gets the tattle treatment on here

Itā€™s like posters here slagging the EPL and footix and then spending all their time watching it and posting drivel about it


The Tattle is like the female version of TFK, @myboyblue could set up a thread there dedicated to Matt Doherty ā€œLook at his stupid haircut and shitty tatsā€

You like his hair & tatts?

Poor TJ hasnā€™t dressed himself in a long time but shur lookit, heā€™s happy.

Its similar to the sort of lads obsessed with the likes of Ewan MacKenna and posting his every tweet up here isnā€™t it?


A Canice Picklington done good.

Some wag over on Tattle speculating that if they have a son would they call it TJJ :rofl:

I read about four pages. Vicious nasty shower. Itā€™s hateful.


Check out the Conor McGregor Thread, its proper it is

ā€œIā€™d rather get up on a Monday morningā€:sweat_smile:


The inner workings of the female mind. They are vicious creaturesā€¦ Yet are refreshing their snap chats constantly to get a look at Niamh :person_shrugging:

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