OTB (Off The Ball)

[quote=“Sidney, post: 744012, member: 183”]I wonder what the real forces behind this were. I don’t see them being picked up by another station en bloc to recreate what they had on Newstalk. McDevitt has the most to gain and probably has an eye on a TV job at RTE. I can see Early being picked up by the Guardian or some other UK media outlet. Horgan as producer shouldn’t have too many problems finding other work either, The other two lads might find it a bit more difficult.

Newstalk as a station will suffer badly as the show will likely now drift into mediocrity. Even though it was a niche programme it was still a sort of flagship for the station as a whole.

Possibly deliberate Freudian slip there by Hook just now calling it “Off the Boil”.[/quote]

word on twitter is that it was something about the latter stages of an astro tournement they are due to be involved in and it clashed with the last hour of the show, cant think of any other reason really,
if you wanted to start work an hour earlier and your boss said no would you walk out?.. seems a bit odd, i can only presune they had committments later in the evening

and in fairness runt it a pretty poor effort

The smug cunts delivered up the odd decent show, but no more. There is definitely a gap in the market for the show they tried to be.

I haven’t heard it myself, I would usually listen to OTB as the content was usually good, but I invariably felt like punching one of the goons presenting it.


Its shit,maybe they could give the lads a few shifts

ah yeah you’re right, attentive posters will know that i have regularly texted, mailed the football show up until a year or 2 ago, the content was very good on that for all the presenters faults
the whole nerdy college type humour tho i agree was very offputting but remember they had 3 hours to fill, some of the stuff was class, the interview with Paul Kimmage where he tore into MacQuaid , Carney on the PEDs, RTE would shit themselves at the sound of that, only tonight coming home from work i had a podcast of an floyd mayweather featue they did last week with a few boxing columnists from the states, it was top notch and something RTE wouldnt touch

[quote=“mickee321, post: 744042, member: 367”]ah yeah you’re right, attentive posters will know that i have regularly texted, mailed the football show up until a year or 2 ago, the content was very good on that for all the presenters faults
the whole nerdy college type humour tho i agree was very offputting but remember they had 3 hours to fill, some of the stuff was class, the interview with Paul Kimmage where he tore into MacQuaid , Carney on the PEDs, RTE would shit themselves at the sound of that, only tonight coming home from work i had a podcast of an floyd mayweather featue they did last week with a few boxing columnists from the states, it was top notch and something RTE wouldnt touch[/quote]
Thats the point right there Mickee, prior to OTB, the evening was a wasteland. The weekends were monopolised by RTÉ and they knew it and did fuck all with it. They raised the bar, and regardless of what those who sniped at them say, they have been a godsend for sports fans in this country.

Anyone remember how the line up changed over the years? Gilroy was there first, then there was that Kerry fella that moved to Radio Kerry, was it Jerry O Sullivan? For all the talk of the show, its changed a bit over the years, has there even been a constant?

Full statement:

First things, first. We didn’t really expect to be here tonight, but we are.
That’s because the lads have made a pitch to start the show every night at six o’clock. Station management couldn’t accommodate that and the lads have decided to resign.
All that I really want to say about this now is that we’re going to miss our friends. Ken, Eoin, Mark, Simon and Murph are an amazing group of people with. They’ve helped change how sport is talked about in Ireland forever. They make great radio and they helped make radio great.
We’re all going to miss them and we wish them all the very best of luck in the future.

They have indeed, but RTE Bosses would chop of their own testicles to get those lads and the advertising revenue they would bring. There would be content issues and definitely public service broadcast issues but I’d imagine walking into O’Meara’s studio and hitting the off switch wouldn’t be too difficult.

A bunch of thoroughly useless cunts. Will be well forgotten in 2weeks or so. Murph knew his limitations, the other apes actually thought there was more to professional soccer that a check book FFS

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 744049, member: 180”]Thats the point right there Mickee, prior to OTB, the evening was a wasteland. The weekends were monopolised by RTÉ and they knew it and did fuck all with it. They raised the bar, and regardless of what those who sniped at them say, they have been a godsend for sports fans in this country.

Anyone remember how the line up changed over the years? Gilroy was there first, then there was that Kerry fella that moved to Radio Kerry, was it Jerry O Sullivan? For all the talk of the show, its changed a bit over the years, has there even been a constant?[/quote]

I doubt we’ll be hearing Shane Horgan on the programme again.

  • 1,000.

That deserves to get another airing for old time’s sake.

Rocko, sort it out please.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 744061, member: 9”]+ 1,000.

That deserves to get another airing for old time’s sake.

Rocko, sort it out please.[/quote]


Which one of them posts here?

I wouldn’t have been a regular listener but had it one when I would be driving during those evening hours and it was a very good show although it had a bit too much bogball and rogbee for my liking. I’d much rather listen to Football Weekly to be honest.

Yeah I can’t tell the difference either.

i am very disappointed with this news to be honest but the show will go on and they’ll be forgotten about in a couple of weeks

RTE would need to be fairly sure that the potential increased advertising revenue would pay for the lads and the other programme costs. RTE are stony broke too - they’re in the midst of serious cost cutting, voluntary redundancies etc. The economic climate has surely impacted the amount of advertising revenue they’ve been accumulating and the new media stuff like advertising on the website, RTE Player etc wouldn’t command the same sort of fees as traditional TV ad revenue.