OTB (Off The Ball)

Mayo and Roscommon fans are by far the most partisan and deranged fans you encounter. They rarely get into altercations or words with other fans as they are too focused on berating the referee for 70 minutes even when he’s giving them everything.


The most intimidating fans would definitely be the female Monaghan fans.

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Mayo fans are animals…

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Where one is free to glass a member of the public at their leisure or pick up a cousin outside the chipper for non judgemental sexual relations

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One of the best experiences I had going to an away match was in Crossmaglen in 2008. My oul’ fella and meself drove up for an Armagh v Dublin league match only for the game to be postponed 30 minutes before it was due to start with people already inside the ground.

Given that we’d made the journey up, we decided to head into Paddy Short’s pub for a bit and we could not buy a drink for all the Armagh people demanding to buy a round for us.

A few lads from Ballyhegan were particularly sound and kept ordering more pints without even asking did I want one.

We went up for the re-fixture a couple of weeks later and Armagh beat the shit out of Dublin.

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I have great time for Tipperary hurling. They always play the game the way it should be played. Hard and fast. It always amuses me the way fans from other counties get themselves so worked up to hate Tipp.


I was assaulted with a cricket bat in Tipp town at 12.30am …split wide open… I dont think i’ve ever seen a rougher town than Tipp town.


Feral animals inhabit Tipperary town. Mind you Carrick on Sewer is no better.

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Given your form I’d imagine there are two sides to this particular story.


The people they represent are the problem. Tipp play lovely hurling and it kills me to say it but they can be a joy to watch more than any county team in full flow.

What form would that be? – but yeah, a lad strolling around town at 12.30am with a cricket bat looking to smash heads was probably provoked …

Are you sure it was 12.30?

Was it 4?

Or even 6?

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The only crowd that consistently rub it in to you after they win —the only crowd that consistently get into rows in the stand … I havent been too impressed with Kilkenny folk either truth be told.

That was a brilliant game. Probably my favourite ever. 2 top teams playing close to their best and I was probably the age that you enjoy wins the most.
I’ve always found Galway fans the worst for some reason but have been sitting near some proper cuntish arrogant ones from KK a few times in recent years. They were like spoiled children. They’ll probably improve in time as our successful spell becomes a distant memory

No - it was before we went to the ‘night club’ and just after we left the pub … in fiarness to the lads on the door of the ‘club’ They weren’t one bit phased by the blood and let me in the door.

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After the 2016 All-Ireland replay I was in Jury’s hotel opposite Croke Park. The Ryder Cup was on the big screen and a few lads I was with were watching it. The Yanks were getting on top so I went out to the little wooden terrace above the canal to have a smoke. Almost immediately after I got there a group of Mayo supporters, I’d guess late 20s, arrived and stood a couple of yards from me. I decided I’d try and engage them in conversation for a few minutes. The “leader” of their group replies to me “fuck off”, in the sort of tone you’d expect from a mildly intellectual, manipulative potential serial killer. I said something like “woah, mate steady on, there” and he squares up to me and calmly and slowly says “seriously, if you know what’s good for ya, you’ll get the fuck out of here now”.

I decided to walk away to another part of the smoking area.


Cahir is a lovely part of the world .

You sound a bit surprised.

This has all the hallmarks of a “tall tale”

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Youre beset on incriminating my good character here to defend your assertion that Tipperary is lovely.

I was in an alley taking a slash and separated from the rest of my herd who were in the process of leaving the pub - one or two were already strolling ahead … down the alley came three gurriers and a few verbals were passed, then a few given back, then I was hit for 6 with a cricket bat.