OTB (Off The Ball)

Assume it’s this one

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Very unreasonable of him


Stop giving it clicks ffs

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He’s actually grown on me as a result of that

I must say gilroy and co are cunts but it’s very amusing to hear Colm Parkinson have a moan about how he was treated by them. Colm was being broughtto the euros for three weeks by them in 2016. He handed in his months notice a few days before hand. They put him on gardening leave for the month and told him he could pick up his stuff from his desk :grin:


Normal practice in radio is to get someone off air pretty much as soon as they hand in their notice.

The thinking behind it is that if you leave them on air, you’re letting them retain and promote their own profile, and in some rare cases, they’ve promoted the rival they’re on the way to

Are people still listening to these clown shoes?

Pretty sure he wasn’t going to the euros

Clearly not, but even if there wasn’t a trip to the Euros involved, he wouldn’t have been near a microphone for the month.

Precisely. Bidness baby.

He even has lads who despise him listening to him now. Now that’s BOX OFFICE.

Mate I wouldn’t listen to him if he was calling out the window of a burning building

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Mate I wasn’t referring to you

Be good when the hurling show is back. Tough listening at the moment.

Twee central with the Club stuff, but that’s the way it’s gone now

Listening to that little gimp from Derry

He actually looks worse than he sounds

Brolly is a great listen and would fit in brilliantly around here.


Seamus Callanan on now.

Rory Best groveling away here atm.

What a snivelling little cunt he is.

Claims he was “used” by Jackson’s defence team. “I was naive, I’m a trusting person.”

“I regret it.” No, you regret the fallout from it.