OTB (Off The Ball)

Comes across really well imo. Very humble guy unlike most of the Leinster and Munster mob

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Yep came across as a gent which would tally with anything I’ve heard about him from people who’ve had dealings with him. Explained the whole trial appearance thing very well and admitted it was a mistake.

He is one of the good ones and that came from an ex pro who despises half of them.

He ruined his narrative of alright sort Ulster plantation rubby captain by being a character reference to lads who apologised to the girl after a rape trial. Whether it was rape or not legally, it’s clear it was very poor form.

A mistake doesnt cut it in my view.


Kyler making a mistake will be grand all the same.

He didn’t provide the character reference in the end. He supported a team-mate he played with for years accused of rape who was subsequently cleared.

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He’d surely be better off saying nothing given that he regrets that decision so much.


What? He was asked about it in an interview and he explained the advice he was given, his thinking at the time and that he regrets turning up in court that day.

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Will you forgive Kyler is he is proven guilty? Will you stop supporting LK if he togs for them after a prosecution?

You must feel like cunt defending his appearance at the trial now


Well fuck me! Looks like we’re going to get a rerun of the Ulster Rugby players spit roast affair.

Woke cunts


Kyle Hayes is a great young lad, trying to score points against him on the INTERNET is cuntish pal. I’d advise you as a Tipp man to mind your own business.

Get to fuck. Answer the question you hypocrite

I probably would if I had defended him but I didn’t* so I don’t.

*It’s quite possible I did but I can’t remember.


You did alright *

*No idea if you did


Rory trying to improve his brand in headquarters…


He was duped dont you know

A political career beckons?

Hes up to something anyways thats for sure.

Goddddddd he’s a pain in the hole

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