OTB (Off The Ball)

The owner of Joe.ie has tweeted to say he’s going to offer some of the OTB crew a job. He’s getting the jump on TFK management here.

Jaysus who will Joe Duffy listen to now?:slight_smile:

The lads could never afford the rates that Rocko & Bandage charge for content on this site

What the hell am I going to listen to while I cook and eat my dinner?!

Working for a Mayo man…


Gilroy is a painful cunt. He always tries to kind of exaggerate things into ‘crises’ or ‘disasters’ or ‘glorious nights’ which leads me to believe he knows fuck all about sport at the back of it all.
This suits michael McMullen type premiership fans but becomes sickening very quickly.
As bandage pointed out his big long winded preambles before questions are designed to show the interviewee how much he knows about the subject but just result in him sounding like the pointless prick that he is.

The hiss of air escaping from your girlfriend as she slowly deflates


That was actually quite witty Scrunchie. You can eat tonight my jester.

And you’d be 100% right. Won’t be missed as much as Murphy in particular.

This show was the Gay Byrne Hour for men.

Anyway they made a spectacular miscalculation. Six pm is too early for a show like this. I’d imagine that they’ll be back with their tails between their legs before the month is out.

They changed the header on the FB page last night around 3AM, the comments underneath it are worth reading for anyone who can access them. Won’t someone think of the childer?

The Indo says the listening figure for the show was 39k. Hook has 131k or something like that. How the fuck did they expect to be given the green light to start an hour earlier, and then, as they hoped for, apparently, two hours earlier??

In fairness Hook is on during Rush hour when there are only three choices of New Show on the national airwaves. OTB started at 7pm and ran for the entirety of prime time TV time so it’s not an accurate comparison.

I can’t see how they thought that the move would suit them given that they’d be missing out on the last hour of games during the week.


their audience is dweeby young male sports fans - sky sports caters for them anyway so its a bespoke audience

Lads like Gola are the real victims here. Where is he now going to get spoon fed the latest sports news and opinions so he can come on here and try and pass them off as his own?

It’s instructive to see how easy it is to control the story when dealing with the public.
Ger gilroy says that they left because they couldn’t get an extra hour of f hook and half of you buy that.
Can you imagine anyone walking out of their job over something so stupid.
I guarantee you that was one part of a far bigger problem but it makes the station look reasonable and the presenters look stupid.
pound to a penny the station wanted to oversee content and cut budgets.

Thank God Tan has arrived in here to put everyone straight on what’s really happened :rolleyes:

[quote=“twiceasnice97, post: 744231, member: 1061”]It’s instructive to see how easy it is to control the story when dealing with the public.
Ger gilroy says that they left because they couldn’t get an extra hour of f hook and half of you buy that.
Can you imagine anyone walking out of their job over something so stupid.
I guarantee you that was one part of a far bigger problem but it makes the station look reasonable and the presenters look stupid.
pound to a penny the station wanted to oversee content and cut budgets.[/quote]

Never argue with a person with a microphone.

you area welcome. A man of your intelligence might have figured it out aso well over time.
I must say it’s nice to have someone responds to my posts as quickly as you do on a regular basis.
It makes it all feel worthwhile