OTB (Off The Ball)

[quote=“twiceasnice97, post: 744231, member: 1061”]It’s instructive to see how easy it is to control the story when dealing with the public.
Ger gilroy says that they left because they couldn’t get an extra hour of f hook and half of you buy that.
Can you imagine anyone walking out of their job over something so stupid.
I guarantee you that was one part of a far bigger problem but it makes the station look reasonable and the presenters look stupid.
pound to a penny the station wanted to oversee content and cut budgets.[/quote]


Good man fingal two responses to me on two topics a few minutes apart. Do you manage to read anyoneelses posts at all or are yourself bandage and mbb after setting up some class of a fan club

yes- i look out for Goals and Arts posts too

Who’s this new guy “Ignored member” he seems to flat out posting at present.

massive egos and i wouldnt doubt they have jumped over something so trivial. did nobody tell them they only had 39k listeners ffs?
in fairness the content could be top class but the ‘banter’ element was nauseating but im sure appealed to the simpleton society who need to be told whats funny as they sit at home eating a pot noodle everynight.
mcdevitt could go to rte and would add to the place and would be a serious investment for them as they are seriously lacking in talent for the future.
doubt the others will be seen again. unless they crawl back to newstalk.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 744246, member: 234”]massive egos and i wouldnt doubt they have jumped over something so trivial. did nobody tell them they only had 39k listeners ffs?
in fairness the content could be top class but the ‘banter’ element was nauseating but im sure appealed to the simpleton society who need to be told whats funny as they sit at home eating a pot noodle everynight.
mcdevitt could go to rte and would add to the place and would be a serious investment for them as they are seriously lacking in talent for the future.
doubt the others will be seen again. unless they crawl back to newstalk.[/quote]

Thats a pretty good summary HBV.

Guys with a greater sense of their own worth.

I actually rarely listen to the show unless there’s a big news story going about, like the Armstrong affair. Even then I’d only tune into the bit I was interested in and then switch off. As soon as some cunt comes on waffling about rugby or whatever I’d have to. Would anyone listen to the entire show? What the fuck do they be talking about for 3 hours 5 days a week? Football Weekly manages to cover all the major European soccer in two 40 minute shows.
I’m not being controversial here, I’m genuinely interested.

I found the podcasts the best way to listen but it was great for when you were in the car traveling anywhere of an evening. You’d treat rugby much like how I’d treat horsey horsey or crickety, when it would come on, I’d flick off instantly. Doubt I listened to a single show it its entirety however, although I did have it on in the background for the night in Istanbul, one of the shows most iconic nights.

I normally listen to the first hour if I’m out for a cycle or a run, rarely listen to the second hour unless there’s a good interview that they’ve lined up that I really want to hear, happens once every three months or so.

Listen to the last hour when there’s a big game on in the EPL or CL and I’m not actually watching in on TV.

I find it funny that some posters on here believe that OTB was telling people what they should think. If there’s one thing the show was renowned for it was not taking sides and presenting a balanced story on all events.

Thrawneen, It can be pretty annoying. My father refers to it as the “muppet show”. But it is pretty interesting. I usually listen for the 1st two hours, because the last hour is soccer only with Ken Early. Did anyone hear the gift grub a couple of weeks ago, it was very funny. Monday was a basically a review of the weekends matches. Then they hard regular spots where they would have GAA, Rugby, Johnny Giles, US Murph (a lad on from San Francisco who would talk about American sport).

3 hours does seem like a long time to cover sport, but this is what made the programme so good, it allowed them time to interview people you would never hear about or allow extra time for certain topics. For example, they interviewed the first women to run in the Boston city marathon & one of the men that gave black panther salute in 1968, stuff that would never come up on any other station. When Joe Frazier died or during the Lance Armstrong situation they can allow so much more time to discuss the topic. I agree the banter can be fair annoying, but the programme is very good.

I a separate note, newstalk’s coverage of matches is brutal. They have a commentator, two co-commentators and a fella on the side line. Everybody trying to get their point across, which make it impossible for the listener to know what is going on in the game.

[quote=“stones_off, post: 744261, member: 1559”]
I a separate note, newstalk’s coverage of matches is brutal. They have a commentator, two co-commentators and a fella on the side line. Everybody trying to get their point across, which make it impossible for the listener to know what is going on in the game.[/quote]

Yeah the GAA match commentary is brutal.

They had Stephen Hunt on a co-commentator for one fo the EPL games a few weeks back and he was very good though.

Lads, they covered a golfer on it a few months ago, who struggled for years to becoming a pro, only getting his tour card in his late 30’s or something.
When they interviewed him he was heading into the last tournament of the season and needed a good finish to retain his tour card. It was a great story but I couldn’t remember his name afterwards so couldn’t check how he got on.

Decent post stones off, soiled only by the fact that the gift grub sketch was utter shit, much like most of Mario’s offerings for some time now.

Some of their once off stuff has been excellent though I agree, the black power stuff was really interesting and they did their research as they had to I guess to keep pulling out content to fill 15 hours a week airtime.

US Murph will be devastated.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 744264, member: 181”]Lads, they covered a golfer on it a few months ago, who struggled for years to becoming a pro, only getting his tour card in his late 30’s or something.
When they interviewed him he was heading into the last tournament of the season and needed a good finish to retain his tour card. It was a great story but I couldn’t remember his name afterwards so couldn’t check how he got on.[/quote]

Was he Irish?

[quote=“stones_off, post: 744261, member: 1559”]

I a separate note, newstalk’s coverage of matches is brutal. They have a commentator, two co-commentators and a fella on the side line. Everybody trying to get their point across, which make it impossible for the listener to know what is going on in the game.[/quote]

did you ever hear ken early commentate? fuck me its pure cringe iv rarely heard someone less suited to that job on national airwaves, brian carthy and the rest of them in that.
what really grinds me about these lads is how they would sneer at other outlets (mainly rte) as if they were the standard when they clearly were not.
but thats what you get when you have a cult following, you believe the hype about yourself.
seriously though, did nobody tell them there was only 39k listening to them? it seems most people who listened were texting or fucking tweeting them to tell them what great lads they were.

where does that young lad from galway think he will go next? the fucking hector of sports broadcasting.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 744251, member: 129”]I actually rarely listen to the show unless there’s a big news story going about, like the Armstrong affair. Even then I’d only tune into the bit I was interested in and then switch off. As soon as some cunt comes on waffling about rugby or whatever I’d have to. Would anyone listen to the entire show? What the fuck do they be talking about for 3 hours 5 days a week? Football Weekly manages to cover all the major European soccer in two 40 minute shows.
I’m not being controversial here, I’m genuinely interested.[/quote]

Something similar for me. I’ve never listened to a full show and usually dip in and out of it. I rarely have the radio on at home and prefer listening to music when I’m out and about so I’d usually tune in the odd time if I was reading in the evening or something. Even at that, I could go a few weeks without listening to it but I’d consciously tune in if they were covering a story that interested me.

I think McDevitt is very good and he would be much better than any of the RTE presenters across all sports. O’Herlihy and Lyster are veterans at this stage, especially the former, and I don’t really count Tom McGurk as rugby football is not a sport. Darragh Maloney is fairly accomplished in terms of the younger breed but I think he’s a better commentator than presenter and then you have the “filling in” type presenters like Peter Collins who operate below the mainstays. McDevitt would have the breath of knowledge of knowledge to cover anything from football to GAA and then events like the Olympics too and he’d be much more clued in than anyone they already have.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 744268, member: 234”]did you ever hear ken early commentate? fuck me its pure cringe iv rarely heard someone less suited to that job on national airwaves, brian carthy and the rest of them in that.
what really grinds me about these lads is how they would sneer at other outlets (mainly rte) as if they were the standard when they clearly were not.
but thats what you get when you have a cult following, you believe the hype about yourself.
seriously though, did nobody tell them there was only 39k listening to them? it seems most people who listened were texting or fucking tweeting them to tell them what great lads they were.

where does that young lad from galway think he will go next? the fucking hector of sports broadcasting.[/quote]

agreed about the fella from galway, id say he’ll crawl back to them in a few weeks,
how does the figure of 39k compare to other stations at a similar time tho?, we are all saying 39k listeners is crap but we need to quantify it
i doubt if there are many people who turn on a radio program and sit and listen to it for the entire duration like say they would watch a TV program or a match.
Radio for me is usually oppotunistic and is something i would have on when i was doing something else, be it commuting , working or running on a treadmill, except for a sunday where i always would try to find time to listen to sunday sport or on a saturday where id turn on the bbc WS as they are broadcasting 5live at the time.
I actually listen to as lot more irish radio now that im abroad than when i would be at home .
so the figure of 39k, is that 39k people who they know tune into that entire program 5 nights a week?

Let it go lads.

Nothing will ever beat RTÉ’s Sports Stadium.

Spot on on that, their breadth of coverage and depth of research really put RTÉ and other outlets in the ha’penny place. Boxing especially doesn’t get a look in elsewhere in Ireland, they had a great interview with Martin Rogan when he won prizefighter that wouldn’t have registered anywhere else. They also had developed relationships with a lot of sportspeople and commentators that they had regular access to as well.

Thraw, I used often get most of it. If I were leaving work around 7 or 8 I’d have it on in the car or walking home and then stick it on when I got home whole making some food which would generally bring me up to around 9. Not so interested in the soccerball so I’d turn it off after then.

[quote=“twiceasnice97, post: 744231, member: 1061”]It’s instructive to see how easy it is to control the story when dealing with the public.
Ger gilroy says that they left because they couldn’t get an extra hour of f hook and half of you buy that.
Can you imagine anyone walking out of their job over something so stupid.
I guarantee you that was one part of a far bigger problem but it makes the station look reasonable and the presenters look stupid.
pound to a penny the station wanted to oversee content and cut budgets.[/quote]

Doesn’t make much sense. It seems unlikely that they would make a demand of that nature and then resign en masse over it not being met, basically killing their own show and for some of them at least, their careers too.

It’s a shame. It was a great show to listen to in the evenings even if the rugby coverage was a bit much at times.