OTB (Off The Ball)

Ewan is the last of the species.

Does Ewan do much actual writing these days?

Those letters from lockdown were absolutely bonkers stuff.

They were too nuanced for a roaster like you.

I think he was a researcher or runner for them.

I have met him numerous times before he got the big break, his auld lad is from a fairly well known family of South East Clare characters.

He is a bit of a stones.


Ah it was off the wall stuff to be printing to the general public.

He would have got 20 likes though if he’d posted them directly on here.

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Ewan was sticking it to the man.

I feel a bit sorry for Ewan, he’s lost that snarl.

His drunken rants and deleted tweets and really vitriolic personalised attacks pre Covid were brilliant. He’s lost that edge during Covid.

Are any of ye familiar with FC Wonderkid podcast? I’m reliably informed it’s a fella from Limerick pretending to be of Portuguese lineage. He went viral for his hyping up of and pronunciation of Nuno Mendes.


I don’t know. Was he?

Could be

Good enough for me

Different fella. He’s hyping up Nuno Mendes in a big way. Or any other young Portuguese footballers.

@Thomas_Brady ?

Nah he’s of Scouse lineage.

Time for those lads to grow up and get proper jobs.

Has D.O.B lifted his ban,Thornley is back on OTB.

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yes…just tuning , delighted
The Sword of Damacles is back


That other Dweeb they normally have on will be gutted.Rory something.

Scruff Thornley as he is known around here