OTB (Off The Ball)

No longer his baby

Joe Molloy stated last night he only became aware recently that ex Liverpool player Ray Kennedy previously suffered from Parkinson’s disease. I wouldn’t be the biggest soccer fan but even I was well aware of that given how high profile it had become in his later years. Thought it was a shocking admission to make as a ‘leading sports broadcaster’.

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I remember it was a very big story when it was announced but I’ve a feeling that Molloy is a lot younger than me and Ray Kennedy would have meant little to his generation.

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Molloy is 36/37.

Bizarre, he was diagnosed in 1984 and it definitely hastened his retirement as it was evident in his time at Swansea after he left Liverpool in 1982.

Molloy wasn’t born or was a few months old… You old bastard.

Not sure I’d call it shocking, far from his biggest fan, but I’m actually surprised and half impressed he was that honest instead of bullshitting his way through it.


Good stuff earlier Jim McMahon. Despite Molloy it was brilliant listen, great guy.

Who is Jim McMahon?

A friend of the fridge.


You ignorant fucker. Take a break from the pub and go see and read about the wider world than the little shithole youve been afraid to leave all your life.

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Oh some American footballer. Don’t follow it mate.

Ok mate. Jim was way before my time but is a bit of a character.

Don’t drink during the week either mate.

Drink is a curse. It’s mainly for people with no meaning in their life.

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It will be awful when you leave the forum. There’ll be no one to berate us about the drink or the betting or the rap music.


Or believing in tides.

Something in the WWF?

I know. He’s like an oul cunt of a Christian brother who never says anything nice and is always angry but you’d still kind of half like him.



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