OTB (Off The Ball)

Gilroy will be seething

All Kildare lads look a bit alike to be fair

Tom Ryan interview with Eoin, he’s a gas cunt


Some fire hazard, the microwave set up.

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Unreal, the cowshit on his arm. Full on ROASTER!! Good auld Tom Ryan. Cranky as ever.

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Check out the ladt 10 minutes today, no words

Here, ye cunts.

Get yer own material ye lazy cunts.


Where’s this fella off to I wonder

Who is he?

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He’s going travelling.

Get your tributes in FFS


I don’t think he’s popular on here but I have no huge issue with him.

Bit of a loss for them. He did a lot of the early shifts too I think?


He didn’t really add much or take anything away from the bits and pieces I saw, which is a welcome change from those cunts Molloy and Gilroy.

A likeable enough type to be fair, for a cute Kerry hoor.

He’ll be still there in 6 months time, but with a nice increase

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The OTB lads are grand really. They drive lads demented at times particularly about Kenny and ROI Football, but in the grand scheme of things they are inoffensive and provide a great service free of charge.


The branching out into things like Crappy Quizes and the dad podcast shite lessened the brand somewhat, but as an evening time sports show, it is a great asset.

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The Ireland fanboy shite does get old. Especially the football but they do love to fawn on the rugby team too. Never mention repeated collapses when the pressure is on in World Cups over a nunber of decades. If they were a bit more challenging and call a spade a spade, it would enhance the programme. Otherwise it is Ireland’s answer to Sky Sports.

Its thrived since Wooly left.

You’re some man to cover all the bases.

He set them free.

TBF he saved it when the Second Captains boys headed off. Gilroy acknowledged that himself.