OTB (Off The Ball)

Jesus. That shit should be left to the fellas who enjoy spending their night in the pub arguing about net spend.*

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People are making the same mistake with Giles as a pundit as they did with his playing career.

The best can’t escape slowing down, but they adapt their game.

This was memorably noted by Jimmy Nail aka Oz in Auf Wiedersehen Pet.


What do you think of Jimmy’s song ‘Big River’

I think it’s a classic, I’d listen to it all day

It’s very soothing.

Is a half volley

  • Where you hit the ball as it’s in contact with the ground (like a drop kick but without you dropping the ball)
  • As above but also a ball that bounces up and you hit it

0 voters

This is a very serious topic.

Probably would have been better if a hall of famer like yourself made the poll though mine looks brutal

Two scenarios:

  1. A ball is crossed in, the player kicks the ball before it comes in contact with the ground.
  2. A ball is crossed in, the player kicks the ball after it comes in contact with the ground and/or hits off an opponent and/or the post and/or the bar.

Number 1 is a volley, number 2 is a half volley.

Le fin!

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Number 2 is very convoluted and not at all what I’d consider a half volley.

Obviously you have regional variations here, I never realized.
For us a half volley is a situation where you hit a bouncing ball at or immediately after the moment of contact with the ground, always guaranteed extra power though I don’t understand why

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Did you do physics in school?

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What in the name of fuck? Ever play pinball ? Half volleys galore!

He loves to namecheck Nobby Stiles when discussing the merits of modern day midfielders. I think they were brothers in law?

I saw a video of a 10 year old with an imaginary microphone interviewing him in an airport today. It was probably the best interview I’ve seen from Kenny in his 3 years as Republic of Ireland manager. He still didn’t give the young chap any idea as how he’d stop Mbappe. Just bragged about being in Qatar to witness him playing. It would’ve been a lot better if you’d been coaching at it Stephen.

They were brothers in law

Not just for you. For absolutely everyone in the world

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What was the tweet she put up,is she a little irelander?

good on him for challenging her


What did she say


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People could get “cancelled” for less