OTB (Off The Ball)

Will Avonmore cancel Eoin Murphy! K Harrington did not come across well there.

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Wow, that’s a side of her we’ve never seen before and which she clearly didn’t want us to.
Really disappointing that she couldn’t even string a bit of an apology together, say she made a mistake etc. she stands by her views, fair play to the interviewer


Do you want her to apologize for having an opinion?


She comes across as pretty thick.One for the people who look slow thread.The golden girl shine is slipping.

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No. I would expect her to answer the question, but if she’s uncomfortable with where the truth would take her then make a mealy mouthed retraction, it’s what her PR would recommend I’d say and it will make her seem less like a sulky teenager

Now it will follow her

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Why does she have to answer the question? I think she tweeted something that was probably ill-founded but she can have an opinion and answer how she likes. I presume OTB contacted her for the interview, not the other way around. You seem to have a lot of demands for her to act as you want her to act.

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I’m sure the olympic medal will be remembered over and above anything else. As well as following in the footsteps of Katie Taylor in championing women’s sport and young girls getting involved in boxing. I dont think she will lose a nights sleep about some middle aged fella mansplaining on the internet. :man_shrugging:

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She doesn’t have to do anything :man_shrugging:

Am I the middle aged fella :joy:

I’m sure she has nothing to worry about there :+1::grinning:

I’d say her team contacted OTB for the interview rather than the other way around.

She was promoting Spar’s community fund as a (presumably paid) brand ambassador. Her views on immigration and diversity are probably fair things to enquire about in that context.


You just expect it is all… The mob are vicious.

Expect her to answer a question in an interview? Or at least make a comment,
It won’t affect my life in any way

She said you’re wasting your own time or something to that effect.

And you’re right, it probably would have been a good discussion but the mob coming out expecting her to dance like a monkey is more disgusting than anything she might have tweeted. The left in particular love compelling people how to speak and act, the fascists.


You’ve been fully radicalised. The first fella to be radicalised in mount oval I’d imagine

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Standing up to lefty headbangers is now being radicalised? Telpis


If people want to utter an opinion, they should expect to be questioned on it and to explain it.

Your problem is you don’t like people you agree with being asked questions.

You’re a typical right wing headbanger.


He tries to dress it up through “I’m only having the craic”.

The “banterful” right winger. Everything’s a shit joke or a glib quip, a smart alecky comment to mask genuinely hateful and deranged opinions. Andrew Anglin (look up who he is) wrote a whole style guide for this sort of radicalised internet headbanger.

He is in his fuckin’ hoop “having the craic”, he’s just cracked - radicalised and cracked.

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I don’t agree with her opinion, i said it’s probably unfounded but i haven’t read much about it and my stance has nothing to do with her opinion but rather her right to answer how she wishes. If she felt the interviewer was purposely bringing up something from 6 months ago to grab a few cheap headlines then she’s free to not answer.

Quelle surprise, the lefty nut balls are subject matter experts within seconds and are trying to control, cancel and demean. The mob at its finest…


That’s very good :joy:

Says the man that sees far right russian bots behind every corner

haley joel osment i see dead people GIF