OTB (Off The Ball)

Thought Hannon was very good there. He threw her a very fair question to start of with, one which shouldn’t have been too hard for Harrington to deal with. When Harrington couldn’t deal with it he kept at her and didn’t let go. And you’re not supposed to let go as a journalist.

I instinctively really like Kellie Harrington but she some fucking arse of herself there and that won’t be the end of it.


Would OTB usually release unedited interviews with producers chiming in?

On another point, it is very irritating when OTB broadcast from the stadium pre match and you can’t hear a word from the broadcast due to the stadium tannoys blaring

That’s great but you still haven’t removed your car from in front of the entrance.

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She should have backed it up so.

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What has Johnny Ronan to answer for here? :thinking:

I’d say calm down. Tom is alright.

Seems a tad sad these days but he’s alright. He’s our brother….

It was 6 months ago. She deleted the tweet because she didn’t want the controversy and she said she didn’t want to go into it now, which is fair enough… Instead off the ball leak an unedited interview… A bit much, unless that’s what they always do? I’ve no idea about the accuracy of her tweet.

If you can’t see the guilt dripping off her reaction chief then I dunno what to say to you.

She appears to believe her shit doesn’t stink these days and thought she could dictate to the Interviewer.
Essentially bully him off the question.

She could have apologised and stated she believes in diversity & inclusion but as ever it was a journalistic issue.

You’re some eejit at this stage in your descent in all fairness. Media organisations don’t “leak” interviews. She didn’t think she was off the record.


I’d say Kellie Harrington and Spar won’t be sparring partners for too long more.

Do they usually leak unedited clips of interviews was the question i asked … seems very unusual but i don’t have much exposure to OTB.

Apologize for what?

Deleting her tweet, you mug :joy:

Why should she apologize? The mob mentality here is amusing but hardly surprising. A forum full of screaming Mulallys.

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Why did she delete the tweet, you spoon?

Ask her…

What did she tweet and subsequently remove?

She might not like that.