OTB (Off The Ball)

Blaming Immigrants for attacking women in France or something along those lines.

Eva Lotte Louise Vlaardingerbroek (born 3 September 1996) is a Dutch opinion writer and political activist. She is noted for her criticism of the Mark Rutte government and globalism, and has been particularly vocal about the issues surrounding farmers in the Dutch farmer’s protests. RTL Nieuws describes her as having “gained notoriety on television and social media for her right-wing views”,[1] and she has made numerous appearances with Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight programme of the American Fox News and The Mark Steyn Show on the British GBNews .

Do the Irish public really tune into GBNews?

Maybe the likes of ‘citizen journalist’ Philip Dwyer (aka @MountLeinster) tune into it.

GB News was not created to be something that people tune in to watch in the traditional sense of watching television. It was created to provide a stream of viral content and “talking points” for the internet which go far and wide and to frame public debate in Britain and beyond so it is conducted on the terms of the far right.

It is lowest common denominator fascist trash, created with the specific aim of rotting people’s brains.

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Kellie is a bit like the DUP. All for inclusivity as long as she gets to decide who’s excluded. Fsir play to the interviewer. She should be asked that question in every interview until she actually gives an answer.

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The headbangers at it again.

A gom pretending to be a gom so as not to be a gom.

No improving on that formulation.

The same attention-seeking clown took exactly the opposite line on Gary Lineker.

I suppose he is that tiny bit interesting because representative, because this kind of vacuity is so common. There really should a crisp named ‘stupidity pickle flavour’. Actually, I think I know a former soccer star who would be really good at promoting it.

Now, put a hand to your ear – and listen for the rustle of wings.

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You couldn’t resist adding your tuppence worth :smiley:

FYI No one cares what a doddery old drunk has to say.

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He got off Scot free for his role in the rumble of Ranelagh! Cc Barry Egan

Fair play to the OTB chap. He was persistent & fair, & completely redeemed himself after not knowing what a half volley was recently.


The “ doddery old drunk “ just Clamped the fuck out of you there

Did he? What did he say ? I could smell the drink from his post.

Kelly was on Rte’s Olympic coverage in 2016 i think. Kept saying every performance was expectational. Not the brightest by some distance.

I’m not sure that will be good enough to appease the mob.

Well done Teri


That seems like a fair enough response I’d say.


Teri’s standards are slipping.

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