OTB (Off The Ball)

It was nice of her to respond privately to those worst affected by her deleted tweet.

Now that you know about it you mean?.. It wasn’t worth a fuck an hour ago you miserable cunt.

What happened to Kellie Harrington is a bit of a parable for our times. People who don’t obsessively follow news media and obsessively check out sources and their motivations, ie. people who are not like me, are very often fodder for neatly packaged viral content which is designed to stir up hatred.

A lot of people do not understand that right wing propagandists are there to lie, or to completely demolish context, or to viciously target specific groups with hate speech. A lot of people do not understand that these people are right wing propagandists.

Kellie Harrington is clearly one of those people, well that’s my presumption anyway.

People now use their “selves” as a brand on social media. They fancy themselves as opinion machines, whether they’ve thought their opinions through or not. To a greater or lesser degree, each of us here is one of those people. So is Kellie Harrington.

But we are not Olympic gold medallists. Kellie Harrington is. And rightly or wrongly, if you’re an Olympic gold medallist, people are going to take notice of what you say, if what you say is in any way “interesting”.

Kellie Harrington is an amateur boxer. She isn’t a Premier League player. What happened to Kellie Harrington is the reason Premier League clubs have PR departments. Amateur boxing, because amateur boxing is by nature a singular pursuit, doesn’t have that. Spar’s PR department is probably run by somebody fresh out of a morkeshing degree, who isn’t well up on sport, who isn’t well up on what sportspeople are tweeting out and then quickly deleting. Somebody out of their depth.

Amateur boxing depends on programmes like Off The Ball for coverage, and Off The Ball has given amateur boxing a lot of coverage, fair coverage, by and large positive coverage, and critical coverage when the coverage needed to be critical. Overall, they’ve been a big friend to amateur boxing. But they aren’t a PR shill operation for amateur boxing, they’re there to ask actual questions.

If you’re Tucker Carlson and you tweet out something hateful, you’ll never be challenged, because you’ll never be in a position where you can be challenged, and anyway your whole brand is based on flagrant lying and being a fascist cunt. If you’re Donald Trump or Nigel Farage, you can bullshit away, because your whole brand is bullshitting and lying and hate speech and being a front for money laundering and Putin. If you’re Johnny Arse, again, you can’t be shamed, because your brand is lying and thinly veiled hate speech and appealing to the very worst people in Ireland.

Kellie Harrington is not like all the aforementioned cunts, Kellie Harrington relies on public goodwill. Her brand is “Dublin’s sweetheart”. Kellie Harrington is in the public eye and voluntarily tweeted out something stupid. And Kellie for some reason mistakenly assumed that nobody would ever challenge her on her spectacularly ill judged tweet. And when she was challenged, she hadn’t a clue what to do, or how to defend herself, or how to explain what had happened. She didn’t have the knowledge. Like she didn’t have the knowledge when she decided to turn opinion former with her very ill-judged tweet. She froze. She turned hostile, her pride got the better of her, she tried to deflect with childish bullshit, like Labane when somebody brings up that he totally ridiculed the notion Russia would invade Ukraine three days before it happened.

If you’re somebody like Kellie Harrington, and you tweet out something “hot”, you had better be prepared to stand over it. And all the bleating of the “just asking questions” mob who now laughably try to spin asking perfectly legitimate questions as “bullying” isn’t gong to help you one bit. Tweeting out opinion without having a clue about the opinion you’re tweeting out will get you into trouble if you’re a person who relies on goodwill.

This would have all been quickly defused if Harrington had been advised to not just delete the tweet but apologise and say she wasn’t aware of the political leanings of the source or the video she linked to. Nobody was there to advise her, so she’s in a right pickle now. Oooh the internet is dangerous.


Jesus this Shane Hannon lad from OTB is some cunt to be dragging up a deleted tweet from 6 months ago.


Okay Mr Spoon :joy:

Not sure how true it is but apparently she was on OTB last November and it was never brought up. Presumably she then wasn’t expecting it to arise mid interview today.

Seemingly it’s done 1.5m or so views. A result for Ger Gilroy I’d say.


This is the greatest downfall since thar cork Walker fella told us he hated non nationals

Spot on

Despite @Rocko’s pure naivety (Telpis) they done her up here purposely… Do they usually leave in the sound of the producer butting in saying we’ll move on now? They wanted full exposure to do Kellie here.

Why is he a cunt? If nobody else has asked her, that’s the fault of the people who didn’t ask her.

If you voluntarily tweet out what she tweeted out, it’s more than fair game to ask somebody about it.

Whatever happened to “just asking questions”?

I took from it that is someone from Spar butting in but could be wrong.

She hadn’t the gumption to explain why she retweeted that tweet. You could forgive her that as it being a reaction to an assault on a girl.

Her reaction today was similar in a way, but she felt she was above the interviewer and was willing to bully him as such.

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she deleted it when she released it was wrong, it was 6 months ago.

Nobody can say anything now without being cancelled.

You could be right pal, i only half listened to it. Don’t put yourself down like that at all.

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The modern world… Mob mentality. The anger from the lefty headbangers is something to behold.

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Drunk? I was never more sober. God help us, you are as predictable as November weather – and as dismal.

You are actually stupid, which is funny, because the joke really really is on you. A gomadán, if I may neologize. Gomadáns think they are being funny and entertaining when embark on whataboutery cocaine. They are not being funny and entertaining. Harry Enfield voice: ‘They are being a gomadán.’

Ergo: there is no fun in making a fool out of you.

Bye bye.

You’ve stated an “explanation” there, a “reasoning” for why she deleted the tweet, with no evidence that that was actually why she deleted it.

The evidence of the Off The Ball interview would very strongly suggest that “realising the tweet was wrong” was not the reason she deleted the tweet at all.

Cancelling my arse. Somebody was questioned in a perfectly legitimate manner about something they had written. That’s not cancelling, and that’s not bullying. It’s the basics of what journalism is.


Would OTB have asked her if she had views on something that wasn’t seen as the correct view?

Anyway, she deemed it to be wrong (there’s only one correct opinion allowed these days on most topics) and deleted it. Case closed. Move on.

But no, Kellie might not be cancelled but this will cost her thousands in revenue from sponsors like Spar.

Look mate. I don’t even read your posts if im honest, so you’re wasting your time interacting with me. If it makes you feel good about yourself by all means keep posting but i don’t read them… Have another drink there and tip on up to bed fir yourself.

She deleted it because she said people were ‘hating’ on her. She han opportunity to apologise or clarify her position but refised to do either and just shouted next question. Her scrambling to save face since is like watching @Thomas_Brady on various threads on a daily basis. Embarrassing carry on.