OTB (Off The Ball)

Was it discussed on here 6 months ago ?

It may well have been. I didn’t see it then on here.

I don’t think she’s racist nor a fascist.


He’s pandering to Le Pen’s base, that is racist.

Is Kellie Harrington’s tweet racist?

You made up your opinion prior to seeing her tweet.


Our very own Jeremy YellowPaxman

God bless that poor girl.

Who was prosecuted for that murder?

It’s literally impossible to have a sensible conversation on immigration, as the conversation is hijacked by far right and far left zealots.

The facts of the tragic case in France that she referenced are that a 12 year old girl was kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Allegedly by someone who had been issued a deportation order six months before the murder occured, so someone who should not have been in France. Is it unaccepotable/racist to criticize a government’s immigration policies that issue deportation orders and do nothing to enforce them?


Was it an illegal immigrant ?

You still haven’t answered the question. Is the tweet racist?

I’ll give you a hint. The tweet is an admiring agreement with the propaganda of a Dutch far right propagandist talking on an English far right propaganda channel.

Another utter gomadán – as long evinced.

Thinks anything under the bar of all out ‘fascism’ and '‘racism’ is A OK. Speciousness cocaine instead of The Gomadán’s whataboutery cocaine.

Should really be acting pro bono for the Burkes – but too mean. Seán and Martina Burke, while definitely helicopter parents, do not have a helicopter. After all, hockey is to The Second Gomadán what scripture is to the Burkes, a means of social experiment with children.

Ireland, in a certain seam, is full of right – pun intended – weirdos.

Is she racist and a fascist?

The conversation is about whether it is acceptable to vilify all immigrants as potential murderers.

Kellie Harrington’s tweet, whether she understood that or not, did so.

This is the aim of the entire “populist” to far right-wing spectrum. They aim to vilify all immigrants as potential murderers.

That is the absolute core of what these right wing cunts are about. Generalised vilification based on skin colour, ethnicity, nationality, religion etc.

The logical end point of that is that innocent people are burned out of their houses, slaughtered.

I think it’s fairly clear that you think it is indeed acceptable to vilify all immigrants as potential murderers.

You’ll choke on that bile one day.

And nobody will mourn you. Nor remember you.


You haven’t answered the question. Is the tweet racist?

This is a very simple question.

You haven’t answered my question Yellowpaxman.

Answer the question.

Is the tweet racist?

Are you going to answer my question ?

Answer the bloody question.

Is the tweet racist?

So your claim is that I regard myself, an immigrant, as a potential murderer?

A fascinating insight into the state of your mind.

I think there are enough people who would already regard you and your batshit opinions as a danger to society, one more isn’t going to make much difference.

Is Kellie Harrington a racist fascist ?