OTB (Off The Ball)

As I said earlier. Imagine if it was Gary Ringrose or one of the other privately educated international rugby players had made the comment… I’d say some of the reaction here and on twitter would have been very very very (very) different


Is the tweet racist?

Answer the question.

You have continually refused to answer the question.

You came into the discussion without even knowing what was tweeted. You have continually tried to derail and deflect the discussion away form the issue.

Are Krokes aware of your views?

You really shoudn’t make assumptions.

answer the question I asked you.

Your question is the question of a blithering idiot who is trying to deflect away from a racist tweet.

Again, is the tweet racist?

Grand. You won’t answer my question.

We’re going around in circles and you are boring me now with the Yellowpaxman act so carry on.

Will anyone answer any question?


Your question is a nonsense and here’s what it’s designed to do. It’s designed to make the utterer of a racist opinion the victim. Not the people who are generalised and vilified by it.

This is an Orwellian propaganda tactic used by racists since time immemorial. Try to turn the offender into the victim.

If, in your role as a mentor, an opposition player said to a player of immigrant or non-white background on your team that they were a potential murderer, with the obvious implication that it was because of the colour of their skin or ethnic background, who would you side with?

I think it’s fairly obvious it wouldn’t be the actual victim you’d side with.

That is genuinely worrying.

Again, is the tweet racist?

Reductionist gibberish.

Are ya fucking nuts, answer a question on here, not a chance.

What a response

jaysus, you make up some shite when you are on a roll!

No one said she had to apologise, no one has tried to cancel her. The closest you had is trackie said she should have answered the question as not answering made her look like a sulky teenager and cheasty said she is quoting and liking racist based platforms. Other than that it was you arguing things nobody said!

“a cohort here screaming…” :rofl:


All you need when you need it, under the tree at spar.

Holy fuck

I’m just sparring. He came out swinging.

You’re asking a racist scumbag if a tweet was racist, he’s probably not well placed to answer you.

Given the person in question is entrusted with a duty of care towards children, it’s pretty worrying that they refuse to disclose whether they believe a tweet which vilifies all immigrants as potential murderers is racist or not.

Has that case been before the Courts yet?

Stop asking questions, it’s not allowed.

Sad to see you stooping that low.

Good luck with everything.

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Tracksuit said she should apologize, @mikehunt , which will surprise no one, also said she should apologize, as did the brown noser @carryharry :person_shrugging:t2: