OTB (Off The Ball)

It doesn’t take much for the mask to slip with the looney left.


No, but the accused has confessed and there’s a mountain of evidence against her.


So you were telling us earlier, anyway.

hmmm, I’m not sure the audit trail is your friend here pal.

She made a bollix of it, her PR team came out and tried save grace, half the people will tell her shes dead right, the other half will say its disappointing to hear it from her, and no one will give 2 shits about it in a couple of days.


You spoon :joy:

I’m not stooping, I’m entirely serious when I say I’d be worried if I had a child playing on a team who had a mentor who couldn’t bring themselves to say it’s wrong to utter generalised vilification which paints immigrants as murderers.

Generalised vilification of selected “out groups” is how you get pogroms and genocides.



Was there male Algerian immigrants that were originally mentioned?

Imagine defending an EU immigration system that when someone who has no legal right to be in a country arrives at an airport is given a warning and told to leave the country within 30 days, and then waved through. In countries that have even half sensible policies you would be turned around and sent back.
The poor child would be alive today if the animal who killed her had been sent back to where she came from in April 2022.


She will be called a racist for the rest of her life. A harsh enough punishment for what may well have been a stupid mistake. Twitter is a harsh place.

Sorcha Moran, rising star of Irish letters, has received a massive advance for her first novel, which will be published in 2034. The book is entitled The Gomadáns; or, Really Stupid Vulgar People Who Think They Are Classy and Smart. Moran’s story is largely set in South County Dublin, with shifts to an academic department in Limerick and sojourns in Galway.

This wonderful new departure in Irish fiction centres on how birds of the right feather flock together. The novel’s whole ambience represents a fresh departure and contains some shockingly vivid passages where couples in the gilded milieu of Dublin 4 use the Sunday Independent – specifically, LIFE magazine – as a sex aid. The Gomadáns contains an extraordinary scene where a father confesses problems in his marriage to that couple’s daughter. ‘There were times when your mother and myself didn’t touch each other for months,’ he reveals. ‘But I soon learned to leave Life lying around in the conservatory, where your mother would head after her bottle of prosecco. A good long look over a photo spread with Gerald Kean and she couldn’t wait to get at me that night. Never forget there’s a lot to be said for the Law, over and above the pomposity. They say politics is showbiz for ugly people, Never forget, my lovely girl, that the Law is showbiz for vulgar people.’ This intimate portrait is abundant testament to Sorcha Moran’s incredible talent.

Through such scenes, Irish fiction has found a new maturity. Sorcha told The Bookseller: “The book is dedicated to my parents, who sent me to hockey. It tells the story of my generation, the best generation of them all. I always remember my father telling us a story about how he had sat in on an Arts lecture in UCD in his day, when he was trying, as he said himself, to get the leg over with some young one. He got nowhere, which he said was “a right effin’ blessing!” The old fella, like, swears sometimes, which is so cute! He is so from the country.”

“He told us: ‘That’s the type of shite people who do Arts have to listen to!’ I mean, I never forgot it. He said the lecture was on new Irish fiction and that the lecturer was waffling on about ‘neo peasantry’ among the middle classes in some Irish novel. Dad could still remember his definition of a peasant: ‘Imitation without understanding.’ We were sitting in the conservatory. ‘Can you imagine that shite?’ Dad said. Then we headed off to training – in Pembroke!”

Sorcha concluded: “Don’t get me wrong. I did Accountancy – didn’t get the points for Law but I’m currently going out with Finn, who is in the Inns! – and I wrote this book simply for the advance and because I have a trochaic name. Lucky me! Again, all back to my parents.”

Yes, a female. A male Algerian has been charged as an accomplice for heiping dispose of the body.

“‘Rents” would be more accurate and truer to the lexicon you are reaching for.

I don’t think she will really.

Desperate stuff.

Thanks for the reply.

Easy see how the narrative was painted so differently originally but the fact is that they been caught & hopefully imprisoned.

It is sad that there are folk using the incident to paint all immigrants & refugees in similar light.

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If all those people who had immigrated to America over the centuries hadn’t immigrated to America, there would be a lot less murders in America, because there would be a lot less people there in the first place.

Your logic is, all human movement = potential murder, and therefore all human movement should stop forever.

Nobody from Galway should ever be allowed into Dublin, because that’s a potential murderer entering our capital.

That’s what it’s all about. Not one rent a gobshite who brought this murder up gives one fuck about the victim. The victim is a pawn to them.

The likes of Labane cream themselves when they hear about any murder committed by a non-white immigrant. And the gorier the better, and the younger the victim the better, and if it’s a girl, paydirt.

All the likes of him care about is vilifying out groups. That’s the essential characteristic of what fascism does.

Big problem is believing anything in the media online.

Kellie will learn a valuable lesson from it all.

Apologising to certain people was weird though, either own the action or apologise for it.

Think you’re out of order there chief.

The populist to far right spectrum have no regard whatsoever for truth, and they’ve no regard for context.

If a story is true, they will use it to target out groups through generalised vilification. If there is no story, they will make one up.

This is literally what the Nazis did.

All that matters to them is vilification of out groups, mobilising hate for the victory of fascism.