OTB (Off The Ball)

Shut your fucking mouth you Cunt

Some amount of bitterness around the board these days. Lads would want to chill, the evenings are getting longer.


Experienced posters losing sight of the site.

They seem to think an auld smiley face punched into their phone can mask the seethe and bitterness :man_shrugging:

It’s fascinating to watch. Life’s too short.

The ignore button is much under utilised. Just don’t engage with the cunts you have disdain for.

It will greatly enhance your TFK experience in ways you never thought possible.


Who said that ?

The Munster championship hasn’t even started and they’re already in ribbons round here

Yer man Marcus Sweeney is on Kellie’s side in this argument. His abstinence from social media was extremely short lived.

The poor cratur

Seriously, what she said was crass, but people seem more outraged by this than by the torture, rape and murder of a child.
Kellie is a bit of an innocent abroad. Gilroy and co are rounding on her entirely for selfish reasons. Publicity and money. They are far more hateful than she is.


I doubt Kellie is putting herself forward for anything. Her management team maybe. She’s just doing what she’s advised/told. She retweeted something six months ago. She deleted it. Some people won’t be happy until she’s lost all of her work and is back on the minimum wage or the dole. She’s a young lass. The rounding on her is hateful. She I suspect was nervous in the first place, and this came out of left field. She reacted badly. The end. Or it should be.
Tomorrow’s fish and chip wrappers was never a more apt phrase.


People are asking if it’s just crimes committed by foreigners she is outraged by. According to the Indo report she has shown support for the anti asylum seeker protests in Waterford and Dublin. Bit of a stretch to suggest people are more outraged by this than the murder of a child. That’s just nonsense.

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No it isn’t really. There has been little said about the original awful story, whereas this is front and centre.
I have no idea about asylum seeker protesting Neanderthals tbh. I know the protests occur but wouldn’t read any more than the headline. Too depressing.

It is nonsense to suggest people wouldn’t be more outraged about the murder of a child. What is outrageous is to use it to score points in the immigration debate which is what suspect she may be doing. The report in the Indo suggests she has leanings towards the mentallers take on things.

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Was there much fuss about this when she tweeted ?

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Absolute bollocks

A bad move, the original retweet, but not a hanging offence, for sure. People should not lose their livelihood over a misjudgement. KH would have been better off to apologize yesterday tout court – whether sincerely or not – and kill off the whole thing. Most journos are absolute herd animals and a total pain in the hole. They will back up yer man Shane – rightly, in abstract ways, but mostly out of self righteousness – and the pot will be kept simmering.

Lots of hard right wing ‘commentators’ – Laurence Fox, Toby Young et al – routinely endorse similar material to what KH, briefly, approved. Their carry on is tolerated and more than tolerated. And those gobshites are a hero to about half a dozen lads on here. We saw the hypocrisy of those commentators on the Gary Lineker imbroglio (and the craven and hilarious manner in which The Gomadán, for instance, tied himself in knots over that topic – ‘He called his employers Nazis! He called his employers Nazis!’ – and became a drowned O’Houdini).

The whole escapade is a PR disaster, though. I infer that KH dug in her heels about issuing the requisite blanket apology. I suspect she would want to get one out sharpish or serious commercial bother will follow.

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His beef is with illegal immigrants or certain types of immigrants I suppose

And half of those would be massively against her marrying her partner