OTB (Off The Ball)

She will around here anyway!

Just ask Rob the racist

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Attempted damage limitation and non-apologies only dig you deeper into the mire.

I’ve had another look and what she wrote was vile, it gets worse and worse the more it sinks in.

Stop pretending you care about the victim. The victim is only a pawn to you to paint immigrants as a criminal out group. Fascism 101.

To accuse someone of not caring about a child’s murder is simply appalling stuff mate. Obviously you are not in a good place, but you should consider a break from social media.

Seems like Shane Hannon has some distasteful tweets in his own past that may get dragged up.

@myboyblue has been warning us all for years. An nawful place.

An awful place

But you don’t. You only claim to care about it because it was done by an immigrant. This is basic stuff. Fascists always try to feign compassion. What fascism is about is targeting out groups for hatred. We know what the logical end point of that is.

When fascists can’t find a crime they can use to mobilise hatred against an out group, they invent fictional ones. Sure look at what the far right have been doing in this country, every other day seemed to bring a new fictional crime which never happened. All to whip up hatred against immigrants.

None of the people out demonstrating against “unvetted men of military age” gave a flying fuck about the murder of Urantsetseg Tserendorj.

Twitter is a smelly vagina hole full of dirt.

Oh Shaney baby…

They were prior to last October which I believe is the statute of limitations.

Edit: there is worse than the above.

Shane Hannon needs to read John 8:7

But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. [7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Irish Twitter lads. It’s nawful.


Shane Hannon isn’t in too much bother if that’s the best yer man can do.

What a shit hole of a country Ireland has become. I mean this bottom of the barrel stuff. How many people will lose their jobs before people are happy?


He’ll have to go

This Beal O’Firinne chap seems like a very very angry and dangerous man, and a potential rapist and murderer.

There’s a nasty vindictive streak in people. Any mistake is jumped on.

Come running home again Katie
Come runni g home again
Cross my heart and hope to die
Shall I cause another tear from your eye