OTB (Off The Ball)

Couldn’t blame Rassie for leaving.

Boks job was the pinnacle for him.

He improved a lot average players in a short space of time.

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Scotland vs Ireland, Croke Park 2010.

I doubt many are paying to listen to that prick


Its not that easy just go out and set up a paywall podcast. It takes a certain set of skills and an ability to charm your audience. Its not for everyone.


Exactly. Although another 3 points loss like that day would be fine as we’d advance thanks to the losing bonus point.

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Caught a few of the generic Off The Ball lads in the car this afternoon. Their arrogance and refusal to accept they may have been wrong about anything is crazy.

1: Irelands rugby world cup has been a success as there are now solid rugby foundations in place :man_shrugging:

2: Stephen Kenny would have done a great job only for Brexit :man_shrugging:


Him and that pharmacy in Munster

That programme isn’t worth listening. Dreadful old shite with fuck all the insight to share.

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Wtf is the 2nd one about

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I caught a bit of their crappy quiz last night and it was ridiculous. They were answering a question to name players who’d scored 100+ Premier League goals. Shane Hannon or Will O’ Callaghan answered Dwight Yorke and Gilroy doesn’t inform the listener if it’s a correct answer but rambles on about some Dublin bus number in response. This Dublin bus goes past a children’s hospital, this is supposed to be enough to interpret the answer. Then a question arises about Ireland winning the Quidditch World Cup in 1994 in a fictional story. Crappy quiz indeed.

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They had some good journalists and experts years ago but they’re bullshit artists in the main now. The formula has gotten very old.

It was a bit mad. Kenny would’ve been a success only for Brexit. Loads of young players holed up in sub standard League of Ireland teams until they are 18. In the past they would’ve recieved top class coaching in an English club and be better players as a result.

Clutching at straws wouldn’t describe it.



Absolute bollocks. But they’ve been that way for years. Zero credibility left.

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Hard to believe Early still shows face, Dunphy smoked him the other day on his pod

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I like listening to Johhny Ward/Shane Keegan on LOI because they know their stuff on that.

I don’t want to hear them talk about the Champions league or the Rugby world cup.

Jacks of all trades but masters of none.

The likes of Molloy/Gilroy pontificating about every sport as if they are experts. You’d swear they were F1 drivers, Football internationals, URC rugby players and all Ireland winning managers rolled into one.


In fairness, Dunphy was the original populist bullshit artist. His opinion on Wes Hoolihan was laughable.

They charge like they are

My heart sinks further every Friday when Kathleen McNamee joins Pat Kenny for a chat on all things sports related most Friday mornings.

An absolute bullshit merchant

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