OTB (Off The Ball)

It must be the worst bit of Irish radio during the week and that’s say something.To be fair I haven’t heard it in years but that fuckin buzzer sound does my head in.And as you say it’s impossible to follow with them just talking over each other all the time.Friday evening is a no go for OTB,it’s absolutely brutal.

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Ward is good

The rest of them didnt play professional football and didnt spend their youth going to games even but are confident enough to lecture trap and o neil


Guffawing throughout it too

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In other words you’d swear they were posters on tfk or drinkers in every pub in Ireland? I hate Gilroy as much as the next man but he’s surely entitled to an opinion on sport ffs

Actually heard that rugby section earlier and couldn’t believe my ears. Pure denial.

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Joe/Ger are the presenters of a sports show. They are supposed to get the best out of their expert guests. They talk down to them more often than not and try give long meandering diatribes in an effort to try to show off how clever they are.

Its a lot different to shite talking in a pub/tfk.


Gilroy is a desperate bollix,I find Molloy to be alright.

Gilroy is a bollix alright. I find Molloy worse again. If he was made of chocolate he would eat himself.


Ah that’s manure. They aren’t meant to be like Brian Farrell on today tonight. They give an opinion. It disagrees with yours. Who gives a fuck at the end of the day. I hate Gilroy but he’s entitled to his opinion for jaysus sake.

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Gilroy answers his questions himself while he’s asking them,don’t know why he bothers with guests.Id say the OTB office is a right circle jerk.


I was startled to learn that Gilroy played minor football for Kildare.

I don’t listen to them because i find them incredibly annoying.

I simply don’t understand why fellas would listen to something they patently dislike


It used to be outstanding.

It’s such a pity it’s turned to absolute shite now.

Whatever happened Andy Lee being on it?

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It’s a bit like the lady rugby commentator. She is absolutely dreary.

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He’s gone in to promotions isn’t he?

He did in his hole. Hurling possibly

Affirmative Action for wimmin.

I hope she isn’t, but she sounds unhappy.

This lot having a collective mental breakdown on the radio now

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The meltdown is only beginning