OTB (Off The Ball)

Middle class rubby has the 4th estate in check.

It was his kids.who accidentally liked it. Nothing to see here


I don’t see why it’s so hard for people to accept Kellie Harrington made a tit of herself over that tweet and the subsequent interview she did.

And that you can still admire her as a sportsperson representing Ireland. And mostly admire her as a person too. People aren’t perfect. They have faults.

I don’t particularly blame Harrington, I blame the vulture scum who pump out the industrial levels of seductive fascist propaganda which is designed specifically to lure people in. It’s designed to prey on people’s natural sense of human empathy and direct it in the wrong direction, towards something which only ends in barbarism, while concealing its true identity.

The people who are taken in by it are victims of a sort too.


The only mistake Kellie made was agreeing to do the interview.

She said nothing in the original tweet that the majority of Irish people don’t agree with.


She shoulda handed back the spar coin so

Maybe for you and your circle, but most people in Ireland wouldn’t agree with a far-right Dutch conspiracy theorist. Those who responded to yesterday’s OTB congratulatory tweet are mainly Irish (and international/bot) accounts primarily spewing anti-immigration rhetoric.

I really like Kellie. She comes across very well usually, and is an inspirational figure. She did make a mistake with the Tweet. I’d imagine she’s accepted that herself.



Most sound minded people fully agreed with her.

She had the view on immigration that you’re not allowed to have.


Unapproved by the ministry of truth.


Ah lovely. Shower of cunts getting skewered. The kimono slipped

Which view exactly was that?

I thought this guy was in the awkward squad?


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Quite the opposite in fact

he was so he could trick the muldoons into voting for him

didnt he join FF in Europe?


Mullooly just wants to keep getting paid to show up to places and talk shite. He doesn’t believe anything. It’s about avoiding manual labour.


If the awkward squad had seen that he’d have lost most of his vote.

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Aisling has fairly thrown Adam Screeney under the bus for that Holiday he took to miss the Preliminary Quarter Final.

She caught him on the hop.

It’s a bit snakey in truth a youngfella of 19 I’d say is rarely going to be media savvy and answer it correctly

Fucking hell lads she didn’t exactly hold his feet to the flames.

Christ almighty are we breeding sports people who can’t even think for themselves anymore

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I want Aisling gone by the morning