OTB (Off The Ball)

Is it the travel?
Where he lives?
That he gets to go to shit loads of sport?
That he meets famous footballers?

What is it gets you?

Have you ever thought he treats everyone the same and talks casually about them cos he doesn’t demi-god them?

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That he is a smug cunt that has “banter” with Ger Girloy and also starts off by saying something “hello babbby”.

I actually prefer the show now. Murph & ken early were retched. Mcdevitt v good thoygh. Him instead of smug features would do

At least Early questioned the cunts like hunter.

Molloy is normally fine but his whining about Ewan McKenna’s article was very similar in bitchiness and tone to a textbook Chris O’ Donoghue rant on whatever bleeding heart liberal cause is in vogue. He couldn’t accept any criticism of his beloved rugby heros.

Hunter is a smug condescending git


Correct, he should have never shown his head though and stuck to the wireless

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Anyone got a link to that Ewan McKenna piece?

I think @Bandage taped it.

28 mins in to this:


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Only listening to that for the first time. Molloy is an asshole. His hypocrisy on Madigan v Green is hilarious.

O’Driscoll says something’s not a choke so it can’t be!

I knew there was something else from the interview I wanted to whinge about.

McKenna should have nailed him on this. A player is hardly going to say they choked. Of course he’s going to blame management, structures etc. If it was anyone other than O’Driscoll or any sport other than rugby they’d have ripped that excuse apart.


Aren’t we all?

Speak for yourself. I’m fucking amazing.

Who does that remind me of?



That’s tremendous mate


Was that intentional? If so :clap:

He got schooled… He was about to start crying at one stage. What a gimp.

He missed a fair few open goals there in that interview. I would’ve more respect for him if he started calling the likes of Thornley out for his cheerleading and arse licking. Name names, son.

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