OTB (Off The Ball)

Sounds to me like it was a set up job to get him out.
I reckon they’d take Daly back in a heartbeat

Cunningham is a spoofer. He had a more talented panel of players in UCC than Dublin the last two years and he turned then into a shambles.

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Nobody in Dublin gives a fuck


It looks like it. I couldn’t believe it when I heard he got a third year.

His record is terrible.

Carton was correct in everything he said. We’d nearly take Humphrey Kelleher back at this stage

Just caught the Carton interview this evening as I drove home from a junket in Athlone.

I didnt realise the squad had been depleted as much… Peter Kelly gone FFS.

Carton never really answered why the players hadn’t revolted as a unit?

Shay Boland was just about to be appointed as.Dublin manager two years ago.

Shay would be a genuine Dublin Hurling man who played on Lar Foley’s team in the 90s and also had a good record managing Dublin under age teams. Anyway a section of.the players led, ironically by Danny Sutcliffe, let it be known that they would prefer a bigger name with “all Ireland winning experience”. The county board sadly blinked and we got ourselves a bigger name with all.Ireland winning experience. Turns out he is a useless cunt with the man management skills of a warthog. However the players are in no position to revolt because some of them played a key role in creating this clusterfuck.


Informative .

That makes sense so.

Pity. There was serious progress made under Daly and the least you’d expect a manager to do was hold that level of compeditiveness before instilling his own plan.

It is a pity. After Daly we still had plenty ground to make up but now we are going backwards while Limerick, clare, Wexford, Waterford and Galway look poised to drive on.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that one pal, didn’t you hear about the silly hats and headphones?

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It’s a tricky situation. Older players resentful at being dropped is the cause of ructions all around the country. It can ruin clubs. Requires either excellent man management skills or utter ruthlessness to do it effectively. Seems like Cunningham lacked the social skills and judged a number of cases very poorly. Very corrosive situation. I imagine the damage done will be lasting.


+1. I get the sense that players who’ve departed feel betrayed by those that remain on the squad. Liam Rushe gave some quotes at an AIG event the other day with Paddy Andrews and the All Blacks that were to the effect of “don’t write next season off yet - we haven’t lost anyone too important from the squad”. I’d say Peter Kelly et al were seething.

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I imagine Rushe received a number of ‘showed your true colours’ messages after that. It is very damaging because the older guys are essentially telling the younger guys that they’re not good enough. The younger players naturally see the older players as arrogant and acting in their own best interests. Cherry picking grievances to cover their anger at no longer being picked. I would wager that the social cliques within the squad closely match the split that has taken shape as well.


What age is Liam Rushe ?? 25 ??.

A lot of county teams become very clannish.

Rushe is 26. In fairness to him he has always been a “shut the fuck up and get on with it” type character. He tends to deliver on the field too.

Only 2 of those teams will definitely drive on,galway and waherford,the rest are just making up the numbers.

They’ll drive on past us anyway.

Gilroy interview with Martin O’Neill now. Can’t ask a question without first leading into it with a speech to display his knowledge.