OTB (Off The Ball)

For what?

I never said the girl’s father is to blame.

He is clearly a very bad parent though.

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Conversely, when is a 15 year old accountable for their actions?

Legally responsible for their sexual actions at 17 in this country. This girl was not legally entitled to consent to have sex with anybody.

Legal or not, she misled a man into unwittingly committing a crime that could easily have sent him to jail? True?

Should she not be accountable for that, not in a legal context, but in taking her part of responsibility toward it?

I don’t want to defend McCarron but I think the protection and free pass given to people in certain circumstances due to age and gender are cop outs.

He’s a fackin nonce!

Why are you defending him so?

She definitely played a part but in the eyes of the law she doesn’t have the capacity to consent regardless of what she might have wanted.

You jumped in to this argument slating her father weeks back. Now your slating her. She is a child in the eyes of the law. You need to view this entire incident in that context. The law is designed to protect people. In this instance the law says the girl is not capable of making a satisfactory decision whether she wants to sleep with someone or not. You are trying to place responsibilily on someone the law says can’t take it.

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I’m not defending him. He doesn’t deserve that, I just find it odd that she is being absolved of everything and I’m not on about a legal context.

How is the law designed to protect people from being misled into unwittingly committing crimes?

On the other hand and this is a hypothetical point rather than a defence of McCarron who clearly has been telling half a story.

A girl misleads a man into unwittingly committing a crime that he could go to jail for, she then goes around bragging about what happened, a criminal investigation is conducted, the man has stories and allegations ran about him in the national media. The man is then attributed with destroying the girls life.

Where does the girl take her own responsibility in this scenario? Does her age really absolve her of any accountability in a moral context? Shouldn’t she feel some sort of remorse to what her lies led to?


Sure how do you know she hasn’t taken her share of responsibility? Doesn’t feel huge remorse? Cops accepted his defence. He didn’t go to jail. The law worked in his favour?

It was himself wrote a chapter in the book about it

He didn’t go to jail?

He was investigated by the legal authorities and had allegations published in national media.

Cops accepted his defence? I think you will find there was not evidence to support the charges brought against him.

He had a criminal investigation brought against him which was ran by national media. It was all in the public domain before he wrote his book. I haven’t seen anything about the girl accepting her responsibility but I have seen numerous comments from her father and family pointing all the blame on McCarron, I haven’t seen any acknowledgement on their daugher’s role - maybe you can provide me with one?

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How do you know the girl didn’t admit to the cops that she had misled him? I assume she did.

There was perfectly entitled to be an investigation he allegedly had sex with an underage girl. The only reason it was of media interest was he was a Tyrone player with a very long rap sheet. I’m sure if a Dublin player got into a similar situation it would be the same.

Are you suggesting that her father went to the papers first and foremost here? Because I don’t think that’s what happened at all.

Your making a very passionate non defence of mccarron here BTW.

So far in relation to this matter you’ve criticised the girl, her father and the media’s role in it. But not your fellow county man.

I find that odd.

What would you like me to criticise McCarron for?


You think he is blameless in this.

I’m out. No longer discussing it with you. Pointless

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So you don’t know what he should be criticised for?

No wonder you’re taking the easy option out.

McCarron never took the easy option, always went for the difficult brown.

You would do the same if it was a rugby player.

I dont think ive ever seen dan defend a rugby player who supposedly fucked a 15YO


Not yet anyway

Would I?