OTB (Off The Ball)

I’ll be honest kid, I’m judging a book by it’s cover here as I would’nt read that shite.

I’ll level with you here, would you be able to tell a 15 year old from a 18/19 year old…course you would…I dont buy the scumbags bullshit excuse…and if it was my own I’d have my say.

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The law doesn’t judge a book by its cover though, it makes a call based on evidence at hand.

There’s such thing as a moral conscience mate…the law is only an interpretation by cunts for the most part.

Being a decent human being isnt mutually exclusive particularly in the family law court.

Listening to the interview now.

I laughed like fuck when Gilroy listed out all McCarron’s violent incidents:

"It starts with a punch of Damien Barton, there’s a line where you say you wish you’d punched him harder as the suspension only sits for the McKenna Cup;

One of the Derry players accuses you of choking him out;

There’s the common assault conviction on the traffic warden in 2012;

There’s the one punch knockout of the guy outside the chipper in 2009;

The Christmas in Enniskillen where you and a friend get headbutted, and then beat a guy up and break his jaw and then end up being chased by Russian drug dealers through the streets of Enniskillen all night;

There’s the guy who tweets your girlfriend saying that you’re gay who you punch twice in a pub in Athy;

There’s the alleged drink driving incident in a car park where apparently you also get done for resisting arrest and that one gets thrown out;

There’s the sending off in 2009;

There’s the Lithuanian forklift driver who you threaten to punch his teeth out;

There’s the nightclub in Omagh where you take a punch to the head and get a swollen eye and then anguished to the point where you want to get a hurl and then beat the guy to a pulp;

There’s the Spar owner around the corner in London who you think of assaulting to rob his shop;

And then when you end up getting discovered breaking into your neighbour’s house, you want to fight the guy who finds you, Shane McLaughlin…"


With respect, that’s irrelevant waffle.

For what’s it worth, the justice system in NI failed that girl more than Fergus as if the NI justice system had jailed Fergus many years ago for his countless misdemeanours this whole sorry episode would never have happened.

Do you have some “out there” views on justice and the legal system?

It’s a horrible story really that I didnt want to comment on…but the cunt has some neck to be writing a book about gambling when that’s still a live issue.

He’s had it tough, mam and dad used to argue a lot and then there’s the disease.


He was cleared of wrong doing before the book went to print I thought?

I think Fergus is a cunt. Book or no book.

But the live issue you speak of is not a reason not to write the book.

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Admitted to all of these assaults. Never seen a day in jail. Some man

That’s the most galling part of the book IMO. How in the name of fuck can you get away with that list of cuntish cuntish acts?

The only fear he showed throughout the book to Law was the law of the gun in the form of the RA.


Ah look he’s clearly a cunt pal…we both know it…he can write 800 books I wont read or acknowledge any of them.

He had/has everything going for him but he still got involved in horrible carry on.

Fuck him…I’ve zero sympathy…he’s a cunt.

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Then the punchline from Gilroy after listing all those incidents:

“Do you consider yourself to be a violent person?” :grin:


Seems you can do what you like if you know the right people.

You’d see grand lads then ruining their lives with one stupid punch.


Fergus must be very dim. He must have known Gilroy was gunning for him & to agree to a pre recorded interview was leaving himself wide open to a serious hole opening. Gilroy obliged as is common in that situation with Fergus.

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“Anger is a massive part of me.”

He should have said “anger is an energy” for the laugh.


Coming back to this point. At what stage would social services say that the parents of this 15 year need to explain how she was able to meet up with Fergus unnoticed? Do parents of a minor not have a responsibility to be aware of their movements? While the father is rightly seething & upset, at what point does he ask himself how she could get into that position in the first place.

It’s easy fire the blame at Fergus & the young girl here. But the parents seem to be going about without blame too.

I know what you’re saying Har…it doesnt sit well with me though when the cunt is writing about it in book for obvious profit.

He was wrong end of mate…I’m of generation who never used social media…he knew and he didnt give a shite imo…your one was 15…

I don’t really know what to make of the meeting with the girl part, little of it adds up. You can guess what went on but ultimately the law cleared him.

The father’s version is as follows:

He continued: “That Monday night she asked to go to meet her friend for coffee from school. She showed me the text where they arranged to meet. I dropped her up the road to Kildare Village. She was dropped at 6pm and she was to be picked up at 7pm.
“Her mother went in at 7 and there was no sign of her. The place was closed, panic started and I got a bad feeling. I said ‘there is something wrong here’.
“Eventually she turned up outside Tesco at twenty past seven. So we gave her a telling off and the whole lot.”

McCarron says he didn’t have sex with her, although his tone of voice wasn’t very convincing.

He refuses questions about the incident “on the advice of his lawyer” having already written about it in the book.

The parents apparently now say the girl had to be tested for HIV. That may indicate but doesn’t necessarily mean they had sex.

If they did I don’t think I want to imagine the circumstances it took place in given she was dropped at Kildare Village at 6pm and turned up at Tesco at 7:20pm. :grin:

Given that the parents say the say girl was in a psychiatric unit and on psychiatric drugs as of five weeks ago you’d wonder what it’s doing for her state of mind.

McCarron’s state of mind will hardly be helped by this interview either and I wonder is he sorry he did the book at all now.

The whole thing is all very weird.

The whole thing has now just descended into a he said/she said scenario. He’s been cleared by the law however, and this is a rule of society.


Can you really blame the parents for dropping her to Kildare Village at 6pm “to meet a friend for coffee” though?

A parent cannot be expected to watch every single movement of a 15 year old.

How mixed up and vulnerable was she at the time? Had she been diagnosed with any condition or was she just considered to have a withdrawn personality within normal limits?