OTB (Off The Ball)

Obviously there will be exceptions but 15 year old girls do not look 19 no matter how they dress, in general


Sorry lads, I haven’t a clue, what did he say in the book about the incident?

McCarron should have just said; I’m not willing to say more than what’s in the book.
There is two sides to this story but he obviously shouldn’t have been meeting a 15 year old girl.

And about the whole age thing.

Ms Goode’s Godchild was 15 when she start going out with a lad 16. At a family event a year and whatever after, Ms Goode pointed out the boyfriend and said Godchilds birthday is soon she’s 17, what will I get her.

I thought, that means he’s 17, not inconceivable they’re having sex.

If that was your daughter would you ask the Mrs to have a word???..after 1.5 years in a relationship would you mention the pill? She close to 17! Both still in school but still. However, legally the parent has to give consent for the Dr to give them out But not necessarily.

If that was your son, what would you say? Use a condom? He could end up on a sex offenders list. Okay probably not in a relationship, but maybe? The 16 year old girl can still legally buy the condoms but he’s legally not allowed to use them with her.

Imagine the young ones aul fella walks in one day and he catches them…he’s oblivious to the relationship (it happens) and wants to press charges.

The law is crazy.

You suggested getting her a year’s supply of the pill as a present?

Edit: Girls can go on the pill younger than the age of consent, used for reducing the effects of periods which can be brutal for some.

Tom Dunne will be interviewing Bill Wyman on Monday night.

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No I suggested an IPhone but then Ms Goode said no. She had heard stories of 16 year olds arranging to meet a ‘rugged’ bachelor for fun on tinder who’s hobbies include reading books alone in the corner of hotels after 9.30pm every night.

Corner? She’s heard wrong.

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I hope that’s not @Fagan_ODowd.

This. Especially at 6pm in the evening when your mother drops you in to Kildare to meet someone. A 15 year old might look 19 if they spent a few hours getting ready and went all out trying to look older to get into a nightclub. The parents would have known full well something was up if she had made that effort going to meet her pal for coffee.


It’s a minefield. I assume the reason it doesn’t happen that young lads get in bother for this is that most parents, no matter how pissed off they may be, can see the difference between their little girl having sex with their boyfriend of the same age and sleeping with some lad older than them that they barely know.

I’m sure the cops use their discretion to manage these situations in a sensible manner as well.

The poor guy

She was 15 years old


@Nembo_Kid your self proclaimed title of being the greatest debater on this forum is under serious threat chief.

@caoimhaoin and @anon7035031 are the master debaters

I said "self proclaimed "

That completely absolves her so?

She was then who lied in this instance and it was her lies that led to all the resulting carnage. I don’t think age is an excuse to or an absolution to go and act irresponsibly and act without consequence, do you?

It doesn’t matter. The law is the law. If there is any doubt, keep it inside your pants.

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And the law cleared McCarron.

I’m being pragmatic here, McCarron was investigated and cleared. He was led to believe the girl was of age, it was the girl who misled him - shouldn’t the girl and her family be accepting some responsibility of the consequences that happened as a result of her actions?

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Another of these take no responsibility, blame my parents cunts.

The law is there to protect their stupidity, but it doesn’t not mean that morally and individually they cannot take responsibility.

McCarron is a cunt, but this is cherry on top stuff. This kinda shit happens all the time. Young girls are manipulative cunts when they want to be. Plenty teachers would tell you of being put in uncompromising positions, and many other men in “authority”. 99%fend it off at the gate.
Infamously 1 Camogie Coach caused absolute carnage with a team a few years ago. But mcCarron didn’t seem to even be put in the position to make the decision here (if i remember the story right). I have friends with 15/16 year old girls and they are fucking tortured from them.

Tinder et al are legal and perfectly ok for people, again, 99% of the time.

You could actually argue this dad did a good job by finding out at all and intevening.

Bottom line is its not b&w

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You could yeah.

From what we know McCarron didn’t seem to knowingly do anything wrong in this regard - that’s not to say he did or didn’t but on the outcome of the investigation he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

From what we know, again this might not be true but it’s what we know, the girl misled him to believe she was of age and he wasn’t doing anything wrong, from a disclosure from her father she was bragging to her friends about being with a county player in the subsequent days. This doesn’t paint the picture of an innocent victim in my eyes and think it’s about time the girl’s family reconciled themselves with the fact that their daughter shares a major responsibility for the chain of the events (15 or not) and stop trying to blame McCarron for everything - it seems his past is the main sore point here.

Anyway, I just don’t understand the game of the father, what’s he out for, he claims to want to protect his daughter but he is divulging all sorts of stuff about her personal life into the public domain. He seems to want to destroy McCarron at the expense of his daughter.

McCarron has surely done every interview possible at this stage now?

The best thing for all involved parties now would be to shut up and let the story die.

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