OTB (Off The Ball)

He is angry his daughter turned out like this and its more about him than her. Its quite selfish really.
Its very common for fathers in particular to react in this way to things their kids do. Their lack of awareness or even absence gets exposed.

Agree with everything else.


How many books have been sold so far, I presume the bulk of their projections sales wise would be for this month?

Or it could even be a bit more cynical. See what’s in it for him. Just putting it out there.

Yes but the publicity blitz for these books is pre-December usually. He’s done pretty much all of the publicity rounds he can at this stage. Newstalk, Second Captains, Today FM, Parkinson etc.

Has he done any RTE programmes or did they blank him entirely after the girl’s father got his Late Late Show slot pulled?

That must be a good six weeks ago.

Nobody is so cynical as to be mugged off by Gilroy on purpose just to sell a few books.

Fair enough. As I said I was just putting it out there

To be fair, I don’t think Fergus would be as stupid as to write a story in a book which would incriminate him further.
There is a section in the book where he hides a sausage so I think that was the nadir as far as his low being went.

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A possibility too.

What is the protocol for meeting an 18 year old on tinder that wants to have sex with you?


They were hurt badly by the pdf of it i believe



I only prefer over 35 and at least 10 stone. I have never had that issue


Male or female?


@gilgamboa has addressed this previously which I read subsequent to my post. His comments pretty much reflect my sentiments so I won’t go into it again


So 15 year olds have impunity to whatever they please whatever the consequences?

They obviuosly dont kid…your man McCarron though did know ur ones age…he’s not stupid.

There is no evidence to suggest he did know her age.

The evidence avaialble shows that she was posing as a 19 year old and McCarron had no reason to suspect anything. Are you suggesting that he should have known by her looks/appearance she was underage?

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Maybe I’m niave but I would have thought her age would have been apparent in general conversation in their dates…or whatever they call it now…


Maybe I’m wrong…but I dont think 15 yr old school girls would be on the same level conversationally as lads in their 20s.