OTB (Off The Ball)

They did not take the case against McCarron because they did not have evidence to suggest he knew she was of age.

Are you disputing that? Again this is straight question requiring a straight answer.

Halvey also went to trial and received a suspended sentence.

That’s his version of events.

And maybe DPP thought was enough doubt not to get a conviction. Not that there was no evidence.

So you agree there was not enough evidence to bring him to trial?

Yes he did. But the DPP also dropted charges against him because they didn’t think they could make it stick in court due to lack of evidence.

There was a massive public outcry by the victims family.

The DPP then took a much lesser charge against halvey found him guilty but essentially couldn’t jail him because of the lesser charge

I agree that’s his version of events.

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Well if the DPP had enough evidence then surely they would have brought him to trial?

Are you accusing the DPP of corrupting the investigation?

Would I be right in saying she didn’t know he was a former gay porn actor and current Tyrone footballer before he allegedly rode her? I seem to recall something in the family statement that his facebook name was as gaeilge to gain a degree of anonymity.

Well according to the father, she was telling her friends after she met that she was with a county footballer. She may not have known who exactly he was but she did know he was a county player.

I’m not accusing the DPP of anything.

This discussion has strayed away from your original point…that he had no case to answer as he was lured into the honey trap by a child.

As many have pointed out here 15 year old girls don’t generally pass for 19. Especially not ones who have been dropped into town by parents at 6 in the evening of a school night to meet a pal for coffee.

So your only defence of mccarron is the fact that they didn’t charge him. You are completely accepting that he did believe she was 19. I think many people doubt this point. Simple as that.

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I presume her account on tinder had an age attached? If so, that is all the evidence needed for Fergus to be impossible to prosecute.

Unless they had been meeting over a lengthy period of time would there then be a case to answered as to how Fergus could still believe she was the alleged age.

Iv never been on tinder so no idea…I believe it’s attached to your Facebook profile. Don’t have to put your age on Facebook anyway and I think you just need to be 13 to be on it.

Could be wrong but I think he had deleted his account but reopened it again.

I’m guessing his previous sexual history has alot to do with the father’s outrage, talks of HIV tests and all that.

I don’t think there is too much substance to that, many people don’t look their age, some 19 years old might look like they are 15 and vice versa. It’s not like she told him she was 45.

My defence of McCarron is based on the information available and dealing with matter objectively, not viewing the matter because it was McCarron involved.

Do you have any evidence to suggest he knew she was 15?

Do I have evidence to believe she duped him into believing she was of age? The fact she was on an adult dating side where her age said she was 19 and she told him she was at college. The family have not contended that McCarron didn’t know she was of age.

I would say so, yes.

But at the end of the day, did that really impact on his actions. It’s more of the shame of his daughter being involved with someone like McCarron that seems to be his biggest disgust.

Of course you don’t. Of course you don’t.

I believe that you have to declare that you’re over 18 to be on tinder.

I wouldn’t blame him for that, the fact that there is a chapter in the book about it, I could see that the father might perceive him to be profiting from the incident.

And what’s his response been?

Do you think keeping this story running, rather than let it blow over and realising startling private information about his daughter to the national media is doing her any good?

You might understand him being angry about it but he has a duty of care to his daughter.