OTB (Off The Ball)

I think he’s trying to get the case reopened

I bet that cunt Fergus is sorry he ever published the book.

On what basis?

Has he uncovered new evidence?

His statements would seem to be him wanting McCarron to express remorse, he doesn’t seem to have contended anything else.

I would imagine so. He seemed to have deluded himself into expecting pats on the back.

If he has new evidence which incriminates Fergus it would be just swell.

Maybe he has. You have no idea what evidence the DPP had first. Your just speculating.

This is what happened in halvey case. Public outcry

Speculating is what you’re doing, mate.

I’m being objective.

That you are.

Maybe he feels compelled to do what he is doing because of that duty of care. You think he should have sucked it up? None of us know the exact details of who knew what about the other. The father’s actions would lead you to believe that there is more to this than just a girl lying about her age.

Don’t waste your breath mate. Just don’t.

One of us is dealing with the fact that there was an investigation opened and the evidence was not credible enough to bring to court.

The other person is dealing in speculation and trivialities.

I’m saying the consequences of the line of action he has taken cannot be good for his daugther.

Would you plaster those kind of details to the national media about your daughter?

The fact that the father is active still on this in the media together with McCarrons unwillingness to talk about it doesn’t look good for Fergus. If as @gilgamboa says and the father wants the case reopened then it doesn’t look good for Fergus.
The father looking for the case to be reopened changes everything. McCarron had no issue speaking about the issue in his book but now he won’t speak about it with Gilroy in an interview?


Case, pal.

I gathered that.

I’m just wondering where you’re getting that from?

There is a chapter of a book devoted to what happened, how is she portrayed in that? it’s like the fella shouting Jehova in The Life of Brian…

It was said above that the father wants the issue reopened so along with McCarrons refusal to speak about a matter he was cleared of which doesn’t look good.
What do you think?

Does Gilroy know more than he is letting on I wonder?

That’s just Dan Carter speculating, mate.

I wouldn’t heed what he says, he’s a wino and on the dole.

Tbh. Your giving off a lot of red flags here.

Claiming to be asexual
Defending mccarron to the absolute hilt.