OTB (Off The Ball)

I am asexual.

I am not defending McCarron, I am assessing the information available and making logical and rational conclusions based on what is available.

I along with Il Bomber Destro succesfully defended Ched Evans against his wrongful conviction. I am a legal mastermind and seeker of justice, I am pragmatic and objective and I’m able to settle the person from the incident.

You’re engaging in incoherent speculation.

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Do they?

I thought that’s what you said, mate?

Should a 15 year old not take some sort of responsibility for an action whereby they dupe a person into unwittingly committing a crime?

Or does the fact they’re 15 exempt them from that?

He should have been locked up bud


Halvey should have been locked up bud

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I don’t think there’s any doubt that what she did was stupid but the burden of responsibility is on him to ensure that he isn’t having sexual relations with a minor

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Where’s her burden of responsibility?

Does she not have one because she’s 15?

The law is it doesn’t matter, she is underage.now why didn’t the law prevail?

The law also says McCarron did nothing wrong so if it’s good for the goose then it’s good for the gander. You can’t be selective with when you want the law to apply and when you don’t.

Or should that be gosling.

I think it was because, even though she was underage, her tinder profile said she was 19. I’ve some recollection (possibly an incorrect one) of reading in a newspaper report that her Facebook profile also stated she was a university student. I guess that was sufficient evidence for McCarron’s solicitor to pursue the “honest mistake” defence.

I may be wrong here but did she also tell him she was driving a convertible Saab?

McCarron was still a rotten cunt to be playing the field & his gf expecting.

It’s the law and the laws are there to protect the vulnerable in society of which she is considered in a sensitive case like this.

I’ve already stated that her actions were stupid and without knowing the details it probably was a genuine mistake on his part considering no prosecution was brought but he should have done his research and protected himself better.

I get your point that the publicity will follow him but he was happy to resurrect it in his own book.

She won’t get away scot free either and this episode could possibly have a worse long term effect on her than it does on him

In the letter of the law he did though. Listen mate, I really don’t have much regard for the ‘laws of men’ , which tbf is inverted… Its the hypocrisy that grinds me. If the same rules applied for all…but it doesn’t. Do you remember what Mandela said about Castro? Well that’s my line of thinking treat every person the same kid👍

I agree with that but I think you can understand the want to address it in the book when it was covered by national media.

My point is that the family of the girl seem to want to lay all the blame at McCarron’s door, there doesn’t seem to be acknowledgement of the role the girl played in it.

Added to that it’s hardly a walk in the park having allegations of that nature being reported in national media and undergoing investigation for it either. There was victims across the board here (going by the information available) and I can’t accept the motives of the father on this.

Because it’s McCarron and his past, he won’t get much sympathy on this but if you isolate the person from the incident then you would have to say if the incidents are as McCarron paints (and the investigation would seem to offer some credibility to this) then he too went through a particularly tough time with regard to this and I could understand him wanting to put his side of the story across when it was reported nationally.

By the letter of the law, he did not, mate.

If there was enough credible evidence that corroborated that then he would have been prosecuted.

Did he ride her (15 yr old) mate?

I don’t know, mate.

Do you?