OTB (Off The Ball)


I can’t really disagree with much of that but there is no way that the family could publically throw their daughter under the bus.

Do you think detailing the information the father has done about her undergoing STI tests and having to get counselling, attending a psych ward and being of some sort of anti-depressants to the public can be good for the daughter?

I’m trying to square off with why he is keeping this story in the public eye, detailing the information to the public about his daugher that he has, what he expects to achieve from it and the impact this all has on his daughter. I don’t understand it, what is his game?

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He must have further evidence surely.

Not actions that I would consider to be beneficial to his daughter

He should just do the Bill Clinton defence, “I did not have sexual relations with that…”

I agree with you mate. It just grinds me that its one rule for some…remember those lads (Rugby lads I think albeit young lads) but in an affluent school in Dublin and they murdered some parents child ( could be wrong was it Annabelle?) did they serve maybe 2 years…from myross or coolock it be 10 years…

Isn’t every child some parents child?

Yes of course, what’s your point, bud?

You need to lay off the peyote

You need to fuck off and stop annoying me, gimp


Did they have a vallables bag for the studio when Cathal came a visiting?

I’m only trying to better you, you ungrateful scrote.

The law didn’t clear Mccarron. The law decided not to go ahead with a criminal prosecution. There is a pretty distinct difference. Like there is between a 15 and a 19 year old.
Fwiw, I think that anyone who thinks the parents are somehow negligent in having allowed her to go to Kildare village for an hour, (arranging to drop her off and pick her up at the door), need a serious rethink.
I think her father is seething that this violent thug was not prosecuted, and is shooting from the hip in an effort at some form of retribution, as he no doubt feels that normal channels have failed him.
My suspicion is that Mccarron didn’t really care enough to check what age she was. He is a violent narcissist, who time and again has proven he cares not a whit for any of those around him. It’s just the way he is wired up. He didn’t care enough to check. His only regret in this will be getting caught. Much like the gay porn I suspect, when it boils down to it.
His only “redeeming” feature is that he is a good footballer, and mucky has need of him in that position.
I fear for Mccarron once he’s been dropped tbh.


He was investigated and there was not sufficient evidence to make a credible case against him. That’s the reality of the matter and everything else is conjecture and speculation.

I won’t argue against McCarron being a scumbag but people aren’t judging this matter objectively.

Gary o Toole was on earlier there talking about the swimming abuse scandal.Well worth a listen back.Its unbelievable how these cunts in charge would rather bury their heads in the sand and let abuse continue rather than sort it out.

Very grey tbf bud. However I’m still firm in my thinking in that if it was some other lad, not well known then the law would have putting him away. Just my opinion, but maybe the legal experts can give some clarity @artfoley @count_of_monte_crist @glasagusban

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There is fuck all redeeming factors in McCarron. I read half of his book before giving up on it as he was a self centred egotistical prick in it. Everyone elses fault but his. He has a history of violence yet says it was culture up there. Fuck that shit.

However, the whole 15 year old tinder thing is a different story. He went on tinder, an app for over 18s. He was paired off or however it is done with someone who on had on another social media outlet said they were 19. It’s not up to him to ask for proof of ID when he meets up with this person. If someone is out in a pub, you dont go around checking for ID. The girl was fully aware of what she was doing and its not like she was groomed or approached out of no where. He has his name in Irish on facebook, and still does for what it’s worth, which is not exactly an unusual thing to do. This is not at all similar to the Adam Johnson case.

Now what they did or didnt do is not really known in the public domain. The reason anything really is known is because of the girls father. I dont blame him for being pissed off, but he is revealing a heap more info and personal information than would ever be out there if it was left through the proper channels. He is choosing to make this more public. McCarron claims he went public in the book because they went public first so wanted an opportunity to explain himself. To be honest, I question more his decision to write a book at all, nevermind even writing about that incident. I also dont get the whole “5 weeks of counselling to get over it”. She was fine after it happened and she was happy to set up the meeting, it seems she only had issues over it once her father found out.

Where I find most fault with McCarron is in the aftermath of this. He had a chance to offer sympathy or remorse to the girl, but specifically chose not to. All he had to say was she was a young girl who made a mistake and he acknowledges the tough situation her family is in, something. But no, he specifically chose not to. He didnt even have to admit fault in himself or wrong doing to do so. She was a 15 year old who got notions and went beyond what she should have done. He could have offered sympathy and a bit of privacy requested so she could do whatever she needs to do. At the same time, her father has handled it all brutally. Granted, I dont know how he is feeling, but at the same time he has never acknowledged his daughters role in all of this, which is quite substantial. She gets some sort of leniency for being young and naive, but she could have properly ruined his life by duping him. I dont think she owes an apology, but likewise I dont think her family needs to be hounding McCarron in the way they are.

Whatever about the issues over the whole age thing, McCarron is a fucking scumbag for even doing it in the first place, regardless of her age. Again in the aftermath, everyone elses fault. I havent read that chapter, but I’d be surprised if he acknowledges any wrong doing on his part for actively seeking someone else when in a long term relationship.


What are the consequences for Tinder in all of this when they allow 15 year olds pretend to be 19 on a site they operate that suggests random sexual partners for adults.
Can macarron take them to the cleaners? @artfoley

Excellent post mate.